CutePDF command line or equivilant


Simple solution

If the output path doesn't matter, you could try PDFCreator with the following commandline:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFCreator>PDFCreator.exe /NOSTART /PF"C:\test.doc"
  1. Per GUI you have to enable Use Auto-save and set a auto-save path once.
    From now on, this path will be used every time you execute the command above
  2. You have to set PDFCreator as your default printer

Per GUI you can save your settings in a profile (.INI file) which can then be selected when you execute your command line. This way, you don't have to use Auto-save as default for every normal print (e.g. from Word or Excel)

PDFCreator.exe /NoStart /OptionsFile"C:\myprofile.ini" /PF"C:\test.doc"

Advanced solution

The advantage of the second solution is, that you don't have to set PDFCreator as your default printer and you have full control over the output file path and name

  1. Install PDFCreator together with its COM module

  2. Copy & paste this code to a textfile and save it as Convert2PDF.vbs

    Set PDFCreator = Wscript.CreateObject("PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator", "PDFCreator_")
    With PDFCreator
     ReadyState = 0
     .cStart "/NoProcessingAtStartup"
     .cOption("UseAutosave") = 1
     .cOption("UseAutosaveDirectory") = 1
     .cOption("AutosaveFormat") = 0
     .cOption("AutosaveStartStandardProgram") = 0
     DefaultPrinter = .cDefaultprinter
     .cDefaultprinter = "PDFCreator"
     .cPrinterStop = false
     .cOption("AutosaveDirectory") = WScript.Arguments(1)
     .cOption("AutosaveFilename") = WScript.Arguments(2) 
     .cPrintfile cStr(WScript.Arguments(0))
      c = 0
      Do While (ReadyState = 0) and (c < 120)
       c = c + 1
       Wscript.Sleep 250
     .cDefaultprinter = DefaultPrinter
     WScript.Sleep 200
    End With
    Public Sub PDFCreator_eReady()
     ReadyState = 1
    End Sub
  3. You can execute your VBScript file from the command line with this syntax:
    Convert2PDF.vbs "C:\input.doc" "C:\outputfolder" "outputfilename"

Personally I use a slightly different version where the input and output folder+filename stays the same. I created a shortcut in my shell:sendto folder to easily convert files per right-click

enter image description here


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Ash King
Author by

Ash King

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ash King
    Ash King almost 2 years

    I have build my database ofcourse etc but I have problem with the code.I try to solve that "Names of marines(one time each one) that have for reservation red boat and their have tonnage bigger than 200." and I did that.

    Select distinct
    From marina m join reservation r on (m.mid, r.mid)
    Where = (select from boat b where b.color = "red")

    I tryed use that but I failed so I post here if someone can help edited.That is my database.

    drop table if exists reservation;
    drop table if exists marina;
    drop table if exists boat;
    drop table if exists sailor;
    create table boat
        (bid integer not null constraint c_bid primary key,
         bname varchar(40),
         color varchar(40) 
         constraint c_color check (color in ('Red','Blue','Light Green','Yellow')));
    create table marina
        (mid integer not null constraint m_key primary key,
         name varchar(40) not null,
        capacity integer);
    create table sailor 
        (sid integer not null constraint c_sid primary key,
         sname varchar(40),
         rating integer 
         constraint c_rating check (rating between 1 and 10),
         age real constraint    
         c_age check (age < 18 OR age = 18));
    create table reservation
        (sid integer not null constraint f_key1 references sailor(sid) on delete cascade,
        bid integer not null constraint f_key2 references boat(bid) on delete restrict
                                       constraint c_bid check (bid not in (999)),
        mid integer constraint f_key3 references marina(mid) on delete set null, 
        r_date date not null constraint c_date check (r_date > '02/04/1998'), 
        constraint p_key primary key(sid,bid,r_date));
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (2, 'John', 6, 17);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (11, 'Mary', 10, 18);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (12, 'TH', 7, 14);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (13, 'John', 9, 18);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (1, 'Christin', 10, 17);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (15, 'Thod', 10, 13);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (16, 'Leonid', 5, 13);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,age) VALUES (17,'Left',17);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (19,'Polu',1,16);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (27,'Marinin',8,15);
    INSERT INTO sailor(sid,sname,rating,age) VALUES (37,'Cos',8,14);
    INSERT INTO marina(mid,name,capacity) VALUES(33,'Porto',300);
    INSERT INTO marina(mid,name,capacity) VALUES(5,'Calam',105);
    INSERT INTO marina(mid,name,capacity) VALUES(1,'Plat',32);
    INSERT INTO marina(mid,name,capacity) VALUES(7,'Pos',19);
    INSERT INTO marina(mid,name,capacity) VALUES(2,'Our',105);
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(88,'Sof','Blue');
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(17,'Ag','Light Green');
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(13,'Panag','Yellow');
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(1,'Αg.N','Red');
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(72,'Christin','Red');
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(19,'Dil','Light Green');
    INSERT INTO boat(bid,bname,color) VALUES(77,'Αg.G','Blue');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(2,88,7,'1999-02-17');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(12,17,2,'1998-05-17');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(11,17,2,'1999-01-17');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(13,13,7,'2003-01-13');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(11,13,33,'2000-05-05');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,1,33,'2000-05-05');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,13,33,'2000-05-06');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,17,33,'2000-05-07');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,19,33,'2000-05-08');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,72,33,'2000-05-09');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,88,33,'2000-05-10');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(1,77,2,'2000-08-10');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(19,13,33,'1999-10-12');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(27,88,7,'2000-06-11');
    INSERT INTO reservation(sid,bid,mid,r_date) VALUES(37,72,2,'2001-04-27');
    • daxlerod
      daxlerod almost 11 years
      What kind of files are they? The program used to display, edit, and print the file will determine what terminal command should be used, if the command exists at all.
    • SuperSafie
      SuperSafie almost 11 years
      what error message do you get?
    • nixda
      nixda almost 11 years
      Do you need a specific output path or could it be the same path as the input path is? For example print C:\test.doc would create a new PDF file under C:
    • Ash King
      Ash King almost 11 years
      The path doesn't really matter, would prefer it to be the same as the input but that can be changed accordingly, the error im getting is: "Unable to initialize device CPW2" Although in printers this is the correct port. Im not sure whether its something to do with cutepdf itself
    • nixda
      nixda almost 11 years
      @AshKing Hello, I would be pleased if you could leave some feedback to know if I have to improve my answer.
    • a_horse_with_no_name
      a_horse_with_no_name about 4 years
      Please edit your question (by clicking on the edit link below it) and add some sample data and the expected output based on that data as formatted text. See here for some tips on how to create nice looking text tables. (edit your question - do not post code or additional information in comments)
    • Admin
      Admin about 4 years
      @a_horse_with_no_name I didn't manage it to edited as you want.I post the code to the site but nothing.
    • Admin
      Admin about 4 years
      I don't know asks me also and bigger than 200 and that I didn't put it too
  • Admin
    Admin almost 11 years
    I just tried your advanced method and nothing happened, but then again I'm trying to convert a .ppt to a .pdf
  • nixda
    nixda almost 11 years
    @OWiz Can you provide more details what you exactly have done?
  • nixda
    nixda over 7 years
    I'm not sure if this solution is still viable. PdfForge released a new major version and their documentation changed
  • Arun Palanisamy
    Arun Palanisamy about 4 years
    What is your expected output?