DataGridView bound to a Dictionary


Solution 1

There are a couple of issues with Dictionary; the first is (as you've found) it doesn't implement the necessary IList/IListSource. The second is that there is no guaranteed order to the items (and indeed, no indexer), making random access by index (rather than by key) impossible.

However... it is probably doable with some some smoke and mirrors; something like below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;

static class Program
    static void Main()
        Dictionary<string, decimal> prices =
            new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
        prices.Add("foo", 123.45M);
        prices.Add("bar", 678.90M);

        Form form = new Form();
        DataGridView dgv = new DataGridView();
        dgv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
        var bl = prices.ToBindingList();
        dgv.DataSource = bl;
        Button btn = new Button();
        btn.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
        btn.Click += delegate
            prices.Add(new Random().Next().ToString(), 0.1M);

    public static DictionaryBindingList<TKey, TValue>
        ToBindingList<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> data)
        return new DictionaryBindingList<TKey, TValue>(data);
    public sealed class Pair<TKey, TValue>
        private readonly TKey key;
        private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> data;
        public Pair(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> data)
            this.key = key;
   = data;
        public TKey Key { get { return key; } }
        public TValue Value
                TValue value;
                data.TryGetValue(key, out value);
                return value;
            set { data[key] = value; }
    public class DictionaryBindingList<TKey, TValue>
        : BindingList<Pair<TKey, TValue>>
        private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> data;
        public DictionaryBindingList(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> data)
   = data;
        public void Reset()
            bool oldRaise = RaiseListChangedEvents;
            RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
                foreach (TKey key in data.Keys)
                    Add(new Pair<TKey, TValue>(key, data));
                RaiseListChangedEvents = oldRaise;


Note that the use of a custom extension method is entirely optional, and can be removed in C# 2.0, etc. by just using new DictionaryBindingList<string,decimal>(prices) instead.

Solution 2

Or, in LINQ, it's nice and quick:

var _priceDataArray = from row in _priceData select new { Item = row.Key, Price = row.Value };

That should then be bindable, to the columns 'Item' and 'Price'.

To use it as a data source in a grid view, you just have to follow it with ToArray().

dataGridView1.DataSource = _priceDataArray.ToArray();

Solution 3

Probably this is easiest way:

Dictionary<char, double> myList = new Dictionary<char, double>();

        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Key", "KEY");
        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Values", "VALUES");

        foreach (KeyValuePair<char,double> item in , myList)
            dataGridView1.Rows.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

If use this you datagridview shall be sortable.

Solution 4

i thing this will resolve your problem which i faced few months ago.

use dictionay as you want to update item prices and just when u finish updation and want to show in datagrid just do this. hope will help you

Grd.DataSource = Dictionary.Values.ToList();

Solution 5

For Dictionary<TKey, TValue> you can use these keywords for binding: Key and Value.

Here is example for ComboBox Binding, but it's possible to bind dictionary to DataGridView (set DataPropertyName for column to Key or Value).

    ComboBox1.DataSource =
        new BindingSource(Pricelevel.GetPricelevels(), null); // GetPricelevels() returns Dictionary<string, string>

    ComboBox1.ValueMember = "Key";
    ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Value";
Author by


Updated on April 11, 2020


  • WillH
    WillH about 4 years

    I have a Dictionary that contains items and prices. The items are unique but slowly get added and updated through the lifetime of the application (that is, I don't know the item strings in advance). I would like to bind this structure to a DataGridView, so I can show updates on my Form, something like:

    Dictionary<string, double> _priceData = new Dictionary<string, double>();
    BindingSource _bindingSource = new BindingSource();
    dataGridView1.DataSource = _bindingSource;
    _bindingSource.DataSource = _priceData;

    But cannot, since Dictionary does not implement IList (or IListSource, IBindingList, or IBindingListView).

    Is there a way to achieve this? I need to keep a unique list of items, but also update the price for an existing item, so a Dictionary is the ideal data structure I think, but I cannot find a way to display the data on my Form.


    Marc's suggestion below works very nicely, but I'm still not sure how to update the DataGridView during execution.

    I have a class-level variable:

    private DictionaryBindingList<string, decimal> bList; 

    Then instantiate that in Main():

    bList = new DictionaryBindingList<string,decimal>(prices); 
    dgv.DataSource = bList; 

    Then during program execution if a new entry is added to the dictionary:

    prices.Add("foobar", 234.56M); bList.ResetBindings(); 

    I thought that would refresh the DataGridView. Why not?

  • WillH
    WillH almost 15 years
    Lists don't easily enforce uniqueness, and it isn't easy to update a value in a list structure like that which is why I'd prefer to use a Dictionary. Thanks though.
  • whiteshooz
    whiteshooz almost 10 years
    This works for loading the model priceData into the view dataGridView1, but the data became uneditable. Is this undesired side effect to be expected?
  • Nicolas
    Nicolas over 8 years
    Excellent and clean way! Obviously, the data is read only now, due to the anonymous type we created via linq. With the help of manual intervention via CellDoubleClick event, one can take care of unlocking the cell (dataGridView1.CurrentCell.ReadOnly = false;) and begin the edit mode (dataGridView1.BeginEdit(false);). Next in CellValidating event, the new data can be snatched and manually stored back to the dictionary: _priceData[dataGridView1[0, dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index].Value.ToString()] = e.FormattedValue; The binding has to renewed than, of course.
  • Nepaluz
    Nepaluz over 7 years
    Just to add, in order to achieve automatic datagridview updating in the program lifetime, declare a form wide variable for the anonymous ienumerable type as WithEvents (assigning the linq enumeration inside the form load event). NOTE: Do not add the ToArray() part.