Date selector popup in Excel


Solution 1

Take a look at this:

Pop up calendar for excel (download at bottom)



The link below was the solution that worked for the asker of the question.

Other popup calendar


Yet another pop calendar

Solution 2

Not sure if this will help or not ...

You do not always have to enter the entire date in Excel

If you type "10/12" excel will assume 10/12/2009

You can format the cell to display the date in a wide range of formats. If you format the cell to show say the whole date, for example format dddd mmmm/dd/yyyy then excel will show Monday October/12/2009

if you type 1/2/3 in the cell then excel will show Thursday January/02/2003

Personally, I find this style of date entry a lot easier that clicking through pop-up calendars.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • ripper234
    ripper234 over 1 year

    I'd like to setup an entire column, so that it will only contain dates, and I won't have to manully enter the date string. Instead, I'd like a click on the cell to pop up a calender selector.

    How can I do that?

  • ripper234
    ripper234 over 14 years
    Isn't there something built in?
  • skjindal93
    skjindal93 over 14 years
    The calendar control is built-in, you just need to apply a little bit of code to get the results you are looking for, however if you are looking for an add-on hidden in the menu, it does not exist.
  • ripper234
    ripper234 over 14 years
    Yes, just edit it to indicate what actually worked for me (actually I was asking it for a friend, and he said the first link wasn't good ... I can't really tell you what was wrong with it).