Datepicker Support in IE11 and Firefox


Solution 1

Internet Explorer 11 does not currently support <input type='date'>, though we did recently announce that work was underway to do so. You can track that progress online at

Firefox supports <input type='date'>. The bug requesting support was closed on June 22, 2016

If you need this functionality today, I would encourage you to use jQuery's Datepicker.

Solution 2

Feb 2019 Update:

Edge supports the datepicker, but after 4+ years, it looks like IE never will. Same with Safari desktop (though Safari mobile supports it). See: CanIUse datepicker support.

Chrome and Edge take the date format from the user's desktop system settings, which may be surprising if you're expecting ISO 8601 and your users don't live in Denmark or Canada.

JQuery's datepicker works with bootstrap 4 only if you use the REGULAR JQuery distribution. the Bootstrap 4 docs show the SLIM version, which tripped me up for a bit.

Other alternatives:

  • uxsolutions bootstrap-datepicker "A datepicker for Bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's (of, improvements by eternicode" has a lot of stars on github and seems to work with bootstrap 4.
  • Some friends recommended the eyecon Datepicker for Bootstrap which I guess is the original that uxsolutions is forked from.
  • Pickaday is pretty popular, though the JS Deliver CDN currently lacks an integrity hashcode and there's no pre-built download - you have to build with node or something.
Vlad from Moscow
Author by

Vlad from Moscow

Unemployed.Do you need a programmer? Email me at [email protected] I liked the IBM mainframe PL/X language. It is me who wrote CTRACE record filtering for the IBM mainframe NFS server using the OOP features of the language. ***News:*** The defect of the C++ STL relative to class std::basic_string was rectified as I proposed. See [Defect of the C++ Standard relative to basic_string][1] News: In the ACCU Overload #126 (April, 2015) there is published my article "iterator_pair - A Simple and Useful Iterator Adapter". I hope it will be interesting for C++ programmers.See it here You may leave your comments to the article in this thread

Updated on February 13, 2020


  • Vlad from Moscow
    Vlad from Moscow over 4 years

    What is wrong with this simple HTML page that a date picker is not shown in FireFox 30.0 and IE 11?

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>Untitled Page</title>
                <label> Date field:</label><br />
                <input type="date" value="" />
  • user666
    user666 about 8 years
    is this fixed now its not working in IE 11 & I don't see it working even in ( emulated ) Edge browser
  • Sampson
    Sampson about 8 years
    This work was completed and shipped in build 10240 of Windows 10. Which version of Edge are you presently testing?
  • user666
    user666 about 8 years
    Thanks for reply ..I am using the emulator that comes with IE 11 .. will it have these updates or can i update that emulator externally ..
  • Sampson
    Sampson about 8 years
    @user666 Internet Explorer 11 doesn't ship with an Edge emulator. I believe you're confusing the Microsoft Edge browser with the Document Mode Edge available in Internet Explorer.
  • user666
    user666 almost 8 years
    I pressed F12 and on far left side there is option to select browser Edge to IE 5 are coming there. Are you saying that it is not the Emulator .If not what is the purpose of it. In document mode as well Edge is coming. For my knowledge can you tell me what is the purpose of it. thanks.
  • Sampson
    Sampson almost 8 years
    @user666 No, this is not an emulator. This option causes a functional regression in Internet Explorer's engine, cause it to behave more like earlier versions of itself. You can largely "emulate" older versions of Internet Explorer, but you cannot emulate a newer version, or a newer browser, like Microsoft Edge. "Edge" in the IE tools refers to the unmodified, most recent behavior, of the engine in that particular version of Internet Explorer. It's a description, rather than a name.
  • Victor Zamanian
    Victor Zamanian about 6 years
    That link seems to be dead by now.
  • GlenPeterson
    GlenPeterson over 5 years
    If you can't get the jQuery UI datepicker to work with Bootstrap 4, make sure you're using the FULL version of jQuery, not the SLIM (the Bootstrap 4 sample docs use the SLIM which is fine if you don't need a datepicker).
  • TylerH
    TylerH over 4 years
    FYI to all commenters/readers - Internet Explorer hasn't been receiving feature updates for some time now. If something is not yet added to IE by now, it never will be. Microsoft has moved on to supporting Edge, the replacement browser for IE.