DB2 Transaction log is full. How to flush / clear it?


Solution 1

There is no need to "clear the log" in DB2. When a transaction is rolled back, DB2 releases the log space used by the transaction.

If you've increased the log size and it has not helped, please post more information about what you're trying to do.

Solution 2

No need of restarting. Just try to force the applications using DB2 force applications all.

Increase the Actie Log File Size and try to force application connections and terminate the connections.

Try to run the job now.

db2 force applications all 

db2 update db cfg for sample using logfilsiz 5125

db2 force applications all

db2 terminate

db2 connect to sample

Run your job and monitor.

Emil Devantie Brockdorff
Author by

Emil Devantie Brockdorff

It all began over 25 years ago. Sitting in front of my Commodore 64 printing out my name in BASIC and from that moment, seeing my name, white text on a blue background, my passion for software and everything around it, began. This passion has taken me to various areas within software development and given me more than 15 years of professional experience and I have been driven by an intellectual curiosity to explore and learn and I have built my knowledge and career with a variety of roles, responsibilities, technologies and methodologies over the years. I have had the opportunity and pleasure to work with software development - frontend as well as backend, databases and platform architecture. I have experience in designing UI and UX and numerous methodologies. I have specialised in SaaS applications and the architecture it depends on in order to run stable, scalable, secure and efficient. Along my journey I also discovered a new passion: leadership. I believe that leadership is a responsibility, not a power, and that people cannot work as a team if they do not see themselves as being part of a team or feel ownership of the product. As lead I am driven by the opportunity to both empower and enrich my team as well as the product and company. I am committed to engage team members to promote team-feeling, dynamically solve problems and deliver the highest quality solutions, to meet deadlines, reach goals and to increase communication. My leadership style is ambitious and quickly adapts to changes, internal as well as external. I embrace all aspects of a product or organization and incorporate both the business and the consumers together with development, design and other relevant stakeholders to deliver the best product. Overall I find the ability to combine my technical experience with leadership incredibly meaningful and fulfilling and I carry my past experiences forward. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Java, Go/Golang, Python, PHP, JavaScript (including React, Angular, Vue.js, jQuery and more), Bash, SQL, Clojure, SmallTalk DATABASE PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, MongoDB, CouchDB/CouchBase DEVOPS & ARCHITECTURE CI/CD, ElasticSearch, GIT, Apache, Nginx, AWS, Google Cloud, WebSocket, NodeJS, Redis, Docker SYSTEM-ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN METHODOLOGIES UML, Agile, SCRUM, TDD, DDD, OOP, MVC, GRASP, GOF, MVVM, Clean Architecture UI DESIGN & UX Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, CSS, Zeplin Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] See my Github at github.com/Mestika

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Emil Devantie Brockdorff
    Emil Devantie Brockdorff about 2 years

    I’m working on a experiment regarding to a course I’m taking about tuning DB2. I’m using the EC2 from Amazon (aws) to conduct the experiment.

    My problem is, however, that I have to test a non-compression against row-compression in DB2 and to do that I’ve created a bsh file that run those experiments. But when I reach to my compression part I get the error ”Transaction log is full”; and no matter how low I set the inserts for it is complaining about my transaction log.

    I’ve scouted Google for a day now trying to find some way to flush / clear the log or just get rit of it, i don’t need it. I’ve tried to increase the size but nothing has helped.

    Please, I hope someone has an answer to solve this frustrating problem

    Thanks - Mestika