Dealing with HTTP w00tw00t attacks


Solution 1

From your error log they are sending a HTTP/1.1 request without the Host: portion of the request. From what I read, Apache replies with a 400 (bad request) error to this request, before handing over to mod_security. So, it doesn't look like your rules will be processed. (Apache dealing with it before requiring to hand over to mod_security)

Try yourself:

telnet hostname 80
GET /blahblahblah.html HTTP/1.1  (enter)

You should get the 400 error and see the same error in your logs. This is a bad request and apache is giving the correct answer.

Proper request should look like:

GET /blahblahblah.html HTTP/1.1

A work around for this issue could be to patch mod_uniqueid, to generate a unique ID even for a failed request, in order that apache passes the request on to its request handlers. The following URL is a discussion about this work around, and includes a patch for mod_uniqueid you could use:

Couldn't find any other solutions for it and wonder if a solution is actually required.

Solution 2

Filtering IPs is not a good idea, imho. Why don't try filtering the string you know?

I mean:

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m string --to 60 --algo bm --string 'GET /w00tw00t' -j DROP

Solution 3

Iv also started seeing these types of messages in my log files. One way to prevent these types of attacks is to setup fail2ban( ) and setup specific filters to black list these ip address in your iptables rules.

Heres a example of a filter that would block the ip address associated with making those messages

[Tue Aug 16 02:35:23 2011] [error] [client ] File does not exist: /var/www/skraps/ === apache w00t w00t messages jail - regex and filter === Jail

 enabled  = true
 filter   = apache-wootwoot
 action   = iptables[name=HTTP, port="80,443", protocol=tcp]
 logpath  = /var/log/apache2/error.log
 maxretry = 1
 bantime  = 864000
 findtime = 3600


 # Fail2Ban configuration file
 # Author: Jackie Craig Sparks
 # $Revision: 728 $
 #Woot woot messages
 failregex = ^\[\w{1,3} \w{1,3} \d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} \d{1,4}] \[error] \[client] File does not exist: \/.{1,20}\/(w00tw00t|wootwoot|WootWoot|WooTWooT).{1,250}
 ignoreregex =

Solution 4 is a hacking attempt and uses spoof IP's so lookups such as VisualRoute will report China,Poland,Denmark etc according to the IP being seconded at that time. So setting up a Deny IP or resolvable Host Name is well nigh impossible as it will change within an hour.

Solution 5

I personally wrote a Python script to auto-add IPtables rules.

Here's a slightly abbreviated version without logging and other junk:

from subprocess import *
import re
import shlex
import sys

def find_dscan():
        p1 = Popen(['tail', '-n', '5000', '/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log'], stdout=PIPE)
        p2 = Popen(['grep', 'w00t'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)

        output = p2.communicate()[0].split('\n')

        ip_list = []

        for i in output:
                result = re.findall(r"\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b", i)
                if len(result):

        return set(ip_list)

for ip in find_dscan():
        input = "iptables -A INPUT -s " + ip + " -j DROP"
        output = "iptables -A OUTPUT -d " + ip + " -j DROP"


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Bob Whitelock
Author by

Bob Whitelock

I am a Full Stack Web Developer with industry experience building websites and web applications. I specialize in JavaScript and have professional experience in working with PHP, Symfony, NodeJS, React, Redux and Apollo GraphQL. To ensure high quality and standards I have extensive knowledge on CI/CD pipelines such as GitLab CI and testing frameworks such as JUnit, PHPUnit and Cypress.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock almost 2 years

    I have a server with apache and I recently installed mod_security2 because I get attacked a lot by this:

    My apache version is apache v2.2.3 and I use mod_security2.c

    This were the entries from the error log:

    [Wed Mar 24 02:35:41 2010] [error] 
    [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname 
    (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /
    [Wed Mar 24 02:47:31 2010] [error] 
    [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname 
    (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /
    [Wed Mar 24 02:47:49 2010] [error]
    [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname
    (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /
    [Wed Mar 24 02:48:03 2010] [error] 
    [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname
    (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /

    Here are the errors from the access_log: - - 
    [29/Mar/2010:10:43:15 +0200] 
    "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 392 "-" "-" - - 
    [29/Mar/2010:11:40:41 +0200] 
    "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 392 "-" "-" - - 
    [29/Mar/2010:12:37:19 +0200] 
    "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 392 "-" "-" 

    I tried configuring mod_security2 like this:

    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind"
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_URI "\w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS"
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS"
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind:"
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind:\)"

    The thing in mod_security2 is that SecFilterSelective can not be used, it gives me errors. Instead I use a rule like this:

    SecRule REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind"
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "\w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS"
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS"
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind:"
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind:\)"

    Even this does not work. I don't know what to do anymore. Anyone have any advice?

    Update 1

    I see that nobody can solve this problem using mod_security. So far using ip-tables seems like the best option to do this but I think the file will become extremely large because the ip changes serveral times a day.

    I came up with 2 other solutions, can someone comment on them on being good or not.

    1. The first solution that comes to my mind is excluding these attacks from my apache error logs. This will make is easier for me to spot other urgent errors as they occur and don't have to spit trough a long log.

    2. The second option is better i think, and that is blocking hosts that are not sent in the correct way. In this example the w00tw00t attack is send without hostname, so i think i can block the hosts that are not in the correct form.

    Update 2

    After going trough the answers I came to the following conclusions.

    1. To have custom logging for apache will consume some unnecessary recourses, and if there really is a problem you probably will want to look at the full log without anything missing.

    2. It is better to just ignore the hits and concentrate on a better way of analyzing your error logs. Using filters for your logs a good approach for this.

    Final thoughts on the subject

    The attack mentioned above will not reach your machine if you at least have an up to date system so there are basically no worries.

    It can be hard to filter out all the bogus attacks from the real ones after a while, because both the error logs and access logs get extremely large.

    Preventing this from happening in any way will cost you resources and it is a good practice not to waste your resources on unimportant stuff.

    The solution i use now is Linux logwatch. It sends me summaries of the logs and they are filtered and grouped. This way you can easily separate the important from the unimportant.

    Thank you all for the help, and I hope this post can be helpful to someone else too.

  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock over 14 years
    Is this to prevent the w00tw00t attack
  • Xorlev
    Xorlev over 14 years
    Yes, I have it scan the Apache error logs for any "w00tw00t" IPs and add them if they don't exist, though for simplicity I didn't add the check for duplicates.
  • Kalpesh Lakhani
    Kalpesh Lakhani over 14 years
    This script should probably use a table, adding tons of extra rules to the iptables chains is going to slow down processing quite a bit.
  • Xorlev
    Xorlev over 14 years
    It does use a table. However I simplified a lot of it as it was tailored to my system.
  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock about 14 years
    I see the problem now. Do you recommend the solution provided in the article, or do you think its better to just leave it as it is. It is a scanner for any back-doors in the system. If I leave it just scanning, i could one day get attacked.
  • Imo
    Imo about 14 years
    Hello Saif, I think as long as you keep your apache installation up-to-date with your distributions (or manual) security patches you should be fine. A poorly structured HTTP/1.1 request (as you have been seeing) shouldn't return anything other than a 400 error from apache. It looks like it may have been some sort of vulnerability scan focused at DLink routers. (According to some other sources)
  • Imo
    Imo about 14 years
    You maybe able to do it via mod_log ::
  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock about 14 years
    Nice answer, I like the different approaches. Thinking about it, having custom logging will create more recourse usage, because everything has to be checked first, I guess this option falls off also. I now have logwatch enabled. This sends me an report 2 times a day with summaries of the whole systems. The apache logs get checked also and it just says w00tw00t attempts 300 times. I think i will leave the setup as it is for the time being.
  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock about 14 years
    I don't think apache rejects them, it just throws the error but the lookup still passes. I have got the same in the access log. It does a GET. So the lookup is done and if you have the file on your machine it will get executed. I can post the access log entries but they look the same as the error log only with a GET in front of them. Apache throws the error but the request passes. That is why I asked if it would be a good idea to block these request without hostnames. But I don't want to block out normal users.
  • Imo
    Imo about 14 years
    Sure, you get the same entry in the access log but look at the error code... 400. It is not processed. HTTP/1.1 (hostname) is used to tell apache which virtual host to send the request to... without the hostname part of the HTTP/1.1 request apache does not know where to send the request and returns a "400 bad request" error back to the client.
  • Imo
    Imo about 14 years
    Try it yourself... create yourself a html page on your webserver and try getting to it manually using "telnet hostname 80" ... the other steps are in my first answer. I'd put a large bounty on it that you can't get the html file to display using HTTP/1.1 without the hostname.
  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock about 14 years
    Ah yes yes that for pointing that out to me. I always thought the access_log were entries that were passed trough the error log and actually entered your machine. Thank you for pointing this out to me and i will edit my post. I really appreciate your help.
  • Imo
    Imo about 14 years
    Hi Saif, no problems, glad to have helped. Regards, Imo
  • hey
    hey about 14 years
    well, you could prolly create a rule for fail2ban to do the same thing- if you wanted a more general solution
  • Bob Whitelock
    Bob Whitelock almost 13 years
    It is true that you can block them, but there is no need to because they are just bad requests. It's better to just ignore them, saved you work and you will free up some recources.
  • Thomas Berger
    Thomas Berger almost 13 years
    Right @Saif Bechan, if someone worries about that "testing attacks" to be successful, he/she should better fix the own application instead in wasting time to find a way to block that.
  • Koos van den Hout
    Koos van den Hout almost 12 years
    My extra hint would be: configure your default virtualhost next to the ones actually in use. The attempts mentioned above will end up in the logs for the default virtualhost.
  • Isaac
    Isaac over 11 years
    @SaifBechan, I disagree. w00tw00t is a vulnerability scanner, and a machine that's issuing such requests can't be trusted with attempting other types of requests, so if I'm a system administrator and it takes me 2 minutes to ban such clients for days at a time, I'd do so. I wouldn't base my entire security implementation on such an approach, though.
  • Isaac
    Isaac about 11 years similar solution, but a bit more detailed.
  • Urbach-Webhosting
    Urbach-Webhosting over 8 years
    i recommended the OWASP_CRS/2.2.5 or grater rule set for mod_security
  • kasperd
    kasperd over 8 years
    This is really not a good idea. You'll end up with lots of hanging connections. Plus if your site has any discussion about those requests, you can end up with false positives.
  • jrwren
    jrwren over 6 years
    @AlexisWilke do you have evidence to suggest that iptables string filtering is slower than filtering at apache level?
  • Anthony Geoghegan
    Anthony Geoghegan almost 6 years
    These vulnerability scans do not use spoofed IP addresses. If they did, the TCP 3-way handshake would not be completed and Apache would not log the request. For caveats (rogue ISP, router operators, etc), see
  • gouessej
    gouessej over 5 years
    @jrwren Actually, it can be fairly slow if and only if you don't pass the packet offset to stop searching, i.e "--to 60" here. By default, it will search through the whole packet, the maximum limit being set at 65,535 bytes, the maximum IP packet length:… The manual clearly tells "If not passed, default is the packet size".
  • jrwren
    jrwren over 5 years
    that is a theoretical max. a more realistic max length over internet is ~1500.