Declare a block method parameter without using a typedef


Solution 1

- ( void )myMethodTakingPredicate: ( BOOL ( ^ )( int ) )predicate

Solution 2

This is how it goes, for example...

[self smartBlocks:@"Pen" youSmart:^(NSString *response) {
        NSLog(@"Response:%@", response);

- (void)smartBlocks:(NSString *)yo youSmart:(void (^) (NSString *response))handler {
    if ([yo compare:@"Pen"] == NSOrderedSame) {
    if ([yo compare:@"Pencil"] == NSOrderedSame) {

Solution 3

As a method parameter:

- (void)someMethodThatTakesABlock:(returnType (^)(parameterTypes))blockName;

Solution 4

Another example (this issue benefits from multiple):

@implementation CallbackAsyncClass {
void (^_loginCallback) (NSDictionary *response);
// …

- (void)loginWithCallback:(void (^) (NSDictionary *response))handler {
    // Do something async / call URL
    _loginCallback = Block_copy(handler);
    // response will come to the following method (how is left to the reader) …

- (void)parseLoginResponse {
    // Receive and parse response, then make callback

   _loginCallback = nil;

// this is how we make the call:
[instanceOfCallbackAsyncClass loginWithCallback:^(NSDictionary *response) {
   // respond to result

Solution 5

Even more clear !

[self sumOfX:5 withY:6 willGiveYou:^(NSInteger sum) {
    NSLog(@"Sum would be %d", sum);

- (void) sumOfX:(NSInteger)x withY:(NSInteger)y willGiveYou:(void (^) (NSInteger sum)) handler {
    handler((x + y));

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Updated on January 27, 2020


  • Bogatyr
    Bogatyr about 4 years

    Is it possible to specify a method block parameter in Objective-C without using a typedef? It must be, like function pointers, but I can't hit on the winning syntax without using an intermediate typedef:

    typedef BOOL (^PredicateBlock_t)(int);
    - (void) myMethodTakingPredicate:(PredicateBlock_t)predicate

    only the above compiles, all these fail:

    -  (void) myMethodTakingPredicate:( BOOL(^block)(int) ) predicate
    -  (void) myMethodTakingPredicate:BOOL (^predicate)(int)

    and I can't remember what other combinations I've tried.

  • Fred Foo
    Fred Foo about 13 years
    +1, though a typedef should really be preferred for more complicated cases.
  • Mohammad Abdurraafay
    Mohammad Abdurraafay over 12 years
    - ( void )myMethodTakingPredicate: ( BOOL ( ^ )( NSString *name, NSString *age ) )predicate { //How Should I Access name & age here...? }
  • Macmade
    Macmade over 12 years
    Those are just parameter names. Just use them.
  • mtmurdock
    mtmurdock about 12 years
    @larsmans I agree, unless this particular predicate/block is used in a lot of places where it would be more clear to have it typedef'd. Apple has defined a number of blocks that were quite simple, but did so such that it was easy to find what they wanted in documentation.
  • user4951
    user4951 over 11 years
    and how to pass a block to that function.
  • orkoden
    orkoden about 11 years
    Is there a reason you don't use the [NSString isEqualToString:] method?
  • Mohammad Abdurraafay
    Mohammad Abdurraafay about 11 years
    Nothing specific. I'm just use to use 'compare:' a lot. '[NSString isEqualToString:]' is a better way though.
  • devios1
    devios1 about 10 years
    Ugh. There is nothing intuitive about this syntax at all. :(
  • Macmade
    Macmade about 10 years
    @chaiguy It is if you know how to deal with function pointers. It's the same syntax, with ^ instead of *
  • devios1
    devios1 about 10 years
    @Macmade That's the syntax I'm complaining about. Not criticizing your answer mind you; already +1'd.
  • funroll
    funroll over 9 years
    Strong recommendation! Name your variables. They will autocomplete into usable code. So replace BOOL ( ^ )( int ) with BOOL ( ^ )( int count ).
  • Ash
    Ash over 7 years
    Do you need the word response in the smartBlocks method definition? Couldn't you just say (NSString*))handler {?
  • Mohammad Abdurraafay
    Mohammad Abdurraafay over 7 years
    You may have (NSString *)) handler. That's valid as well.