Dependency is not satisfiable: libtiff4 when trying to install Lightworks on Ubuntu 14.04


Solution 1

Lightworks 11.5.1 is only compatible with Ubuntu 13.10, see the following specs:

14.04 provides libtiff5 but not libtiff4 (up to saucy 13.10).

To install the 13.10 amd64 version, go to the download page and select libtiff4_3.9.7-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb.

Now open a Terminal with Ctrl+Alt+t and type in the folder where you downloaded the deb file:

sudo dpkg -i ./libtiff4_3.9.7-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb

Then try again to open lwks-11.5.1-amd64.deb with the Software Center to continue the installation.

enter image description here

Solution 2

Per this sticky on the Lightworks forum, this bug has been fixed in the latest beta release 11.5.2a, which you can download from the downloads page.

enter image description here

For more information see the changelog.

If you prefer to use the stable version Sylvain's answer works.

Sylvain Pineau
Author by

Sylvain Pineau

I'm an early user and advocate of Linux, and more generally Open Source Software, in the business world. I've been around with computers and particularly linux for some time now, and during all these years I've been using and promoting opensource technologies. I started using Linux in 1995 with a French Slackware, called Kheops. My first contact with Ubuntu was in 2006 with Edgy. Former Perl Monger, my preferred language is now Python. I know about web standards and design, HTML/CSS, and some QML/Javascript. The early years of my career were spent developing the French high speed train (TGV) RTOS. My professional activities also led me to several QA related positions and to Android phones integration before joining Canonical in 2010. I'm now working for the Hardware Certification Team at Canonical.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sylvain Pineau
    Sylvain Pineau almost 2 years

    I was trying to install Lightworks 11.5.1 (amd64) on Ubuntu 14.04(amd64) but there's a notice: Dependency is not satisfiable: libtiff4. Is there anyway to solve this dependency issue? Thanks in advance.

  • Sylvain Pineau
    Sylvain Pineau about 10 years
    I've updated my answer with a way to install libtiff4
  • byf-ferdy
    byf-ferdy about 10 years
    I seem to be unable to download the beta version. All I get when I click on the provided link is a form to sign up for their website. The links for stable versions work fine though
  • matanster
    matanster about 9 years
    Couldn't find the old libtiff4 download now, looks like it is no longer there.
  • Sylvain Pineau
    Sylvain Pineau about 9 years
    @matt I've updated the download link (to use instead)
  • matanster
    matanster about 9 years
    Gee thanks :) Is this workaround really safe? I guess this will overwrite libtiff5's files right?
  • Sylvain Pineau
    Sylvain Pineau about 9 years
    @matt Both are co-installable, libtiff5 will install /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and libtiff4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • matanster
    matanster about 9 years
    Works like a charm!