Deploy WAR in Tomcat on Kubernetes


Docker part

You can use the tomcat docker official image

In your Dockerfile just copy your war file in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ directory :

FROM tomcat

COPY app.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/

Build it :

docker build --no-cache -t <REGISTRY>/<IMAGE>:<TAG> .

Once your image is built, push it into a Docker registry of your choice.

docker push <REGISTRY>/<IMAGE>:<TAG>

Kubernetes part

1) Here is a simple kubernetes Deployment for your tomcat image

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: tomcat-deployment
    app: tomcat
  replicas: 1
      app: tomcat
        app: tomcat
      - name: tomcat
        image: <REGISTRY>/<IMAGE>:<TAG>
        - containerPort: 8080

This Deployment definition will create a pod based on your tomcat image.

Put it in a yml file and execute kubectl create -f yourfile.yml to create it.

2) Create a Service :

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: tomcat-service
    app: tomcat
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080

You can now access your pod inside the cluster with http://tomcat-service.your-namespace/app (because your war is called app.war)

3) If you have Ingress controller, you can create an Ingress ressource to expose the application outside the cluster :

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: tomcat-ingress
  annotations: /
  - http:
      - path: /app
          serviceName: tomcat-service
          servicePort: 80

Now access the application using http://ingress-controller-ip/app

Akhil Prajapati
Author by

Akhil Prajapati

Updated on March 06, 2020


  • Akhil Prajapati
    Akhil Prajapati over 4 years

    I need to create a Multibranch Jenkins job to deploy a .war file in Tomcat that should run on Kubernetes. Basically, I need the following:

    1. A way to install Tomcat on Kubernetes platform.
    2. Deploy my war file on this newly installed Tomcat.

    I need to make use of Dockerfile to make this happen.

    PS: I am very new to Kubernetes and Docker stuff and need basic details as well. I tried finding tutorials but couldn't get any satisfactory article.

    Any help will be highly highly appreciated.

  • Akhil Prajapati
    Akhil Prajapati over 5 years
    Hi @Nicolas, Thanks a lot for your answer. I tried implementing this and at the end of the Jenkins Job, I am getting this: + kubectl --kubeconfig **** --namespace=dev-a apply -f k8s/services/ service "tomcat-service" created [Pipeline] sh + kubectl --kubeconfig **** --namespace=dev-a apply -f k8s/dev/ ingress "tomcat-ingress" created However, I don't see any new pod created when I run this: kubectl --namespace=dev-a get pods
  • Nicolas Pepinster
    Nicolas Pepinster over 5 years
    Something is getting wrong probably. Type kube get events --sort-by lastTimestamp --namespace=dev-a to check the events relative to the new components created
  • Akhil Prajapati
    Akhil Prajapati over 5 years
    should the ingress content and the deployment file be placed in different yaml?
  • Nicolas Pepinster
    Nicolas Pepinster over 5 years
    no you can put all in one yaml file. Check this example
  • Akhil Prajapati
    Akhil Prajapati over 5 years
    The build is getting executed successfully but I am getting ImagePullBackOff error in pod. On describing the pod, I found this error: pull access denied for xyz/myrepo, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'. However, I can see the image getting pushed with the same name. I also tried docker login but it didn't work.
  • Nicolas Pepinster
    Nicolas Pepinster over 5 years
    If you regsitry is secured, you need to create secret. After its creation, you need to reference the secret in your Deployment with imagePullSecrets instruction.