Difference com.sun.jersey and org.glassfish.jersey


The only difference between com.sun.jersey and org.glassfish.jersey is that the package name was changed because Jersey team is now part of another organization (Glassfish). Versions below 2 use package com.sun.jersey, versions above 2 use org.glassfish.jersey. And yes, there are some differences between 1.x and 2.x.


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Updated on September 23, 2020


  • user1226868
    user1226868 almost 4 years

    What is the difference between com.sun.jersey and org.glassfish.jersey?

    Currently I have my REST service working on com.sun.jersey and I want to write tests, but I can't find a good tutorial for this (nothing seems to work). However, I can find good documentation about the org.glassfish.jersey tests.

  • kevinarpe
    kevinarpe over 8 years
    Tip: This version divide can also be seen a Maven Central Repository: search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cjersey-server
  • Mahesh
    Mahesh about 7 years
    Jersey 2.0 provides support for Java SE HTTP Server, Grizzly 2 HTTP server, Servlet 2.5 or higher containers as well as OSGi containers on the server side and HTTPURLConnection-based or Grizzly asynchronous client transport connectors. To leverage JAX-RS/Jersey server-side async features in a Servlet container, you need a container that supports Servlet 3.0 at least. Jersey supports asynchronous resource invocations on Grizzly 2 HTTP server too. (Ref - marek.potociar.net/2013/06/13/…)
  • Pavel
    Pavel over 6 years
    For me the big difference is that com.sun.jersey works and org.glassfish.jersey doesn't. lol