Difference of stricmp and _stricmp in Visual Studio?


Solution 1

stricmp is a POSIX function, and not a standard C90 function. To avoid name clashes Microsoft deprecated the non-conforming name (stricmp) and recommends using _stricmp instead. There is no difference in functionality (stricmp is merely an alias for _stricmp.)

Solution 2

For many library functions, including all the <string.h> functions, the underscore prefixed versions are/were Microsoft's idea of something. I don't recall exactly what.

The non-underscored version is highly portable. Code which uses _stricmp(), _strcpy(), etc. must be handled somehow—edit, #defined, etc.—if the code will be processed by another compiler.

Author by


I am a Physics PhD in Theoretical and computational physics. Programs in Fortran and C++. Likes OOP and High Performance computing. I am self teaching more knowledge and writing a First-Principle calculation software in OOP using Fortran 2003.

Updated on September 14, 2020


  • FortCpp
    FortCpp almost 4 years

    I may asking a stupid question, but I really can't find an answer with google plus I am still a beginner of using MSVS.

    I recently need to use functions to make comparison of two strings. What I don't understand is the difference of stricmp and _stricmp. They both can be used to compare strings and return the same results. I went to check them:

    char string1[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
    char string2[] = "The QUICK brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
    void main( void )
       char tmp[20];
       int result;
       /* Case sensitive */
       printf( "Compare strings:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\n", string1, string2 );
       result = stricmp( string1, string2 );
       if( result > 0 )
          strcpy( tmp, "greater than" );
       else if( result < 0 )
          strcpy( tmp, "less than" );
          strcpy( tmp, "equal to" );
       printf( "\tstricmp:   String 1 is %s string 2\n", tmp );
       /* Case insensitive */
       result = _stricmp( string1, string2 );
       if( result > 0 )
          strcpy( tmp, "greater than" );
       else if( result < 0 )
          strcpy( tmp, "less than" );
          strcpy( tmp, "equal to" );
       printf( "\t_stricmp:  String 1 is %s string 2\n", tmp );

    result shows they are the same:

    Compare strings:
        The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox
        The QUICK brown dog jumps over the lazy fox
        stricmp:   String 1 is equal to string 2
        _stricmp:  String 1 is equal to string 2

    I am wondering why...