directive not working inside <tr> that is ng-repeat bound


Solution 1

As pointed out in comments the template of a directive should have single root element. So I would suggest you to move the tr element to the template of the directive, like this:

Solution 2

As Pavlo wrote, you can move the tr element to the template for the directive. Another option is to use a td element and directive that replaces your td with the template that you want to use.

  <tr ng-repeat="p in positions">
    <td replace-me template="mytemplate.html" position="p"></td>

Directive replaceMe

.directive("replaceMe", ["$compile", '$http', '$templateCache', function ($compile, $http, $templateCache) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            scope: {
               position: "="
            link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
                function getTemplate(template) {
                    $http.get(template, {cache: $templateCache}).success(function (templateContent) {
                scope.$watch(attrs.template, function () {
                    if (attrs.template) {



<td another-my-directive></td>



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Updated on September 16, 2022


  • dotnetcoder
    dotnetcoder over 1 year

    I have a table where the rows are repeated via ng-repeat. I am trying to create a template that generates columns <td> for each row <tr>

    app.directive("customtd", function(){
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        template: "<td>{{position.Name}}</td><td>{{position.Code}}</td>",
        replace: true,
        scope: {
          position: '='
      <tr ng-repeat="p in positions">
        <customtd position="p"></customtd>

    The issue is my custom td template is not rendered at all. Here I intend to replace <customtd> with n number of <td>s - which will be decided based on number of properties on my data object, but at the moment I am just trying to get a simple directive working that will output two columns.

    MYPLUNKER : shows an instance of this issue and the directive code.

    • Arun P Johny
      Arun P Johny over 10 years
      if you look at the console it is throwing an error saying Template must have exactly one root element. was: <td>{{position.Name}}</td><td>{{position.Code}}</td>
  • dotnetcoder
    dotnetcoder over 10 years
    thanks that worked I was kind of disappointed to see the directives with type 'Element' nested in ng-repeat do not make much use. your solution worked. I extended it to display headers by looking the keys on data object.