Disable DTD warning for Ant scripts in Eclipse?


Solution 1

The simplest is to supply a minimal DTD to shut it up.

<!DOCTYPE project>

for ant files

Solution 2

Being with Brian on the "anal-retentive yearning for a warning-free Problems tab", I finally decided to get serious about solving this. Thanks to Martin's leading, it looks like a done deal.

However, instead of Project -> Properties, it's solvable globally via Windows -> Preferences.

  1. Select the Validation category in the left pane.
  2. Find the Validator named "XML Validator" (in the right pane) and click its ellipses (...) button.
  3. In the following dialogue, select the "Exclude Group" and click "Add Rule...".
  4. On the first page of the New Filter Rule Wizard, select the Content Type option and click Next>.
  5. Finally, on the Content Type drop down, select "Ant Buildfile".
  6. Click Finish and a couple of OKs and that should take care of existing and future Ant Build file validation warnings.

Solution 3

You can delete it, and restore it to avoid the warning. It is a bug, obviously.

Solution 4

I see an option to disable this in newer versions of Eclipse. It is under: Window, Preferences, XML, XML Files, Validation then change the drop-down "Indicate when no grammar is specified:" from "Warn" to "Ignore"..

Solution 5

In fact, as damoco says, this seems to be a bug in Eclipse. If I delete (copy elsewhere) the file from windows, refresh eclipse, and then restore the file, and refresh again, the warning goes away.

I'm using Eclipse Galileo build 20090621-0832.

Brian Deacon
Author by

Brian Deacon

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Brian Deacon
    Brian Deacon almost 2 years

    I'm using Eclipse Ganymede. Everything works fine, but I have an anal-retentive yearning for a warning-free Problems tab. Right now it (correctly) complains about my Ant scripts: "No grammar constraints (DTD or XML schema) detected for the document." Is there any way to turn that off for just those files? Ideally I'd like it to still warn me if my other schema-constrained files were missing the schema declarations.

  • Admin
    Admin over 14 years
    Indeed, so the start of your build.xml looks like: <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?> <!DOCTYPE project> <project name="myproject" default="make" basedir="."> I had to close + reopen the tab for the warning to go away...
  • rafa.ferreira
    rafa.ferreira almost 14 years
    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but ANT dont have a DTD file that we can point to real validate the XML? Cheers!
  • Horia Ion
    Horia Ion almost 14 years
    None that I know of. Besides Ant extensibility makes it impossible to get a complete one.
  • Andriy Drozdyuk
    Andriy Drozdyuk almost 14 years
    You mean I should include "for ant files" too?
  • Russ Bateman
    Russ Bateman over 12 years
    Problem returns with next rebuild.
  • Green Day
    Green Day almost 12 years
    @Nicholas White - you can also just right click on the project and choose Validate, that should make the warning go away once you make the change