Discord.py - Count how many servers the bot is in


Solution 1

Actually you have it!

Just do this

if message.content.startswith('^botservers'):

    await message.channel.send("I'm in " + str(len(client.guilds)) + " servers!")

That makes sure you have an str not an int.

Solution 2

It's Not client.servers its client.guilds Here is my example

if message.content.startswith('^botservers'):
  await message.channel.send( f"I'm in {len(client.guilds)} servers!")
Author by


Updated on December 09, 2022


  • Jennifer
    Jennifer over 1 year

    I know it's something like len.client.servers or len(client.servers) but I can't get it to work. I am trying to get it to say "I'm in x servers!" when I say ^botservers. All of the other commands work.

    Here's what I have so far:

    if message.content.startswith('^botservers'):
      await client.send_message(message.channel, "I'm in " + len(client.servers) + " servers!")
  • Dan A
    Dan A almost 4 years
    guilds not servers
  • Mary
    Mary almost 4 years
    @DanA It is servers. His question was pre 1.0 I'm pretty sure when I answered it. It was later changed to guilds. See: discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migrating.html
  • Dan A
    Dan A almost 4 years
    ahhh Im sorry @Mary