Discord.py Getting channel name and server name returns an error message


Solution 1

To get the message object, you need to use the passed-in "context" (ctx). So it would be ctx.message.guild.name and ctx.message.channel.mention. Docs on Context

On another note, Bot is a subclass of Client. So whatever Client can do, Bot can do too. You don't need a Client and Bot, just the Bot. Docs on Bot subclass

Solution 2

This is an example of how it should be.

async def whereAmI(ctx, *, messageContents):
    link = await ctx.channel.create_invite(max_age = 300)
    message = f'You are in {ctx.message.guild.name} in the {ctx.message.channel.mention} channel with an invite link of ' + link
    await ctx.message.author.send(message)

Have a good day!

Author by


I am the worse coder ever. I basically only know Python. So i will ask a lot of python questions and not understand nearly everything that im being told, but if it works i will try to figure out why it does work.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • EchoTheAlpha
    EchoTheAlpha about 2 years

    I am currently trying to create a discord bot that, when someone says a command it says what server and what channel they are in. I was able to do this in the past, however in the past I was using on_message(message) and if message.content.startswith('$hello'). I recently started using @bot.command and I'm still trying to get used to it. I tried using message.guild.name and message.channel.mention but I get an error message. Undefined variable 'message' I assume this is because with my old setup, in the on_message(message) I define message, however with my current code it doesn't seem to work.

    import discord
    import asyncio
    from discord.ext import commands
    botToken = token
    bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '#')
    client = discord.Client()
    async def on_ready():
        print('Bot is online and ready.')
    async def whereAmI(ctx, *, messageContents):
        link = await ctx.channel.create_invite(max_age = 300)
        message = 'You are in {message.guild.name} in the {message.channel.mention} channel with an invite link of ' + link
        await ctx.message.author.send(message)

    And I am aware that it might DM the person, however I'm currently working on just my test bot before I bring the command over to my main one. If you have any better ideas please let me know. And the reason why I have the variable there is because I am planning on including the variables in the final product.

    If anything doesn't make sense, let me know and I will edit it to hopefully make it more clear and give more context if needed.

  • EchoTheAlpha
    EchoTheAlpha about 4 years
    With the current async def whereAmI(ctx, *, messageContents): command that i currently have, how would i tell it to use the passed-in context? Would i replace @bot.command with @bot.command(pass_context=True)?
  • Kelo
    Kelo about 4 years
    You are already passing in the context. It's the ctx parameter. Context comes along with the command automatically. So no need for the pass_context bit :) Docs on Commands