Discord - Send message only from python app to discord channel (one way communication)


Solution 1

You can send the message to a Discord webhook.

First, make a webhook in the Discord channel you'd like to send messages to.

Then, use the discord.Webhook.from_url method to fetch a Webhook object from the URL Discord gave you.

Finally, use the discord.Webhook.send method to send a message using the webhook.

If you're using version 2 of discord.py, you can use this snippet:

from discord import SyncWebhook

webhook = SyncWebhook.from_url("url-here")
webhook.send("Hello World")

Otherwise, you can make use of the requests module:

import requests
from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter

webhook = Webhook.from_url("url-here", adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter())
webhook.send("Hello World")

Solution 2

I have found it. "Webhook" is the answer. Instead of using discord.py, just create a webhook for your channle and then just post the data to that endpoint.

import requests

#Webhook of my channel. Click on edit channel --> Webhooks --> Creates webhook
mUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/729017161942******/-CC0BNUXXyrSLF1UxjHMwuHA141wG-FjyOSDq2Lgt*******************"

data = {"content": 'abc'}
response = requests.post(mUrl, json=data)



Solution 3

This might be one of the best approaches as it saves the addition of more python packages(one mentioned by @john), but I believe there is a more robust and easy solution for this scenario, as you can add images, make tables and make those notifications look more expressive.

A python library designed for the explicit purpose of sending a message to the discord server. A simple example from the PyPI page would be:

from discord_webhook import DiscordWebhook

webhook = DiscordWebhook(url='your webhook url', content='Webhook Message')
response = webhook.execute()

more examples follow on the page.

This is how the sent notification/message would look like

Discord notification with table

Author by


Updated on August 12, 2022


  • john
    john almost 2 years

    I am designing an app where I can send notification to my discord channel when something happen with my python code (e.g new user signup on my website). It will be a one way communication as only python app will send message to discord channel.

    Here is what I have tried.

    import os
    import discord
    import asyncio
    TOKEN = ""
    GUILD = ""
    def sendMessage(message):
        client = discord.Client()
        async def on_ready():
            channel = client.get_channel(706554288985473048)
            await channel.send(message)
            return ""
        print("can you see me?")
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    The issue is only first message is being sent (i-e abc) and then aysn function is blocking the second call (def).

    I don't need to listen to discord events and I don't need to keep the network communication open. Is there any way where I can just post the text (post method of api like we use normally) to discord server without listening to events?


  • Frank
    Frank almost 3 years
    This is awesome and is a prefect answer to the question, just bare in mind that webhooks can only post to CHANNELS, not direct messages to users or so on.
  • Tendekai Muchenje
    Tendekai Muchenje about 2 years
    how would I do it for Direct messages?
  • Ben Soyka
    Ben Soyka almost 2 years
    @TendekaiMuchenje Webhooks won't work in direct messages. You'd need to make a bot and send the messages programmatically via the bot.