Django: Cookie set to expire in 30 seconds is actually expiring in 30 minutes?


Solution 1

You can use the max_age parameter with a number of seconds instead of using expires; it'll calculate expires for you. The problem with your may be that you're not using UTC (you can use datetime.utcnow() instead).

hr.set_cookie('user_id', user_id, max_age=30)

Moral of the story: read the documentation; it explains both that you need to use a UTC datetime object and describes max_age.

Solution 2

For those that are running in to the same problem with signed cookies, you have to use get_signed_cookie() with the max_age attribute. I tried setting it with the set_signed_cookie() method, but that doesn't work when fetching it again.

So this won't expire your cookie:

cookie_max_age = settings.TWO_FACTOR_REMEMBER_USER_SECONDS
response.set_signed_cookie('key', max_age=cookie_max_age)

But when fetching it like the following, it should work (with and without setting a max_age on the cookie):

cookie_max_age = 3600
cookie = request.get_signed_cookie('key', max_age=cookie_max_age)
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • simon
    simon about 2 years

    This is my code:

    def update_session(request):
        if not request.is_ajax() or not request.method=='POST':
           return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST'])
        user_id = request.POST.get('u')
        hr = set_terminal_cookie(user_id)
        return hr
    def set_terminal_cookie(user_id):
        print 'set_terminal_cookie'
        hr = HttpResponse('ok')
        expiry_time = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=30)
        print expiry_time
        hr.set_cookie('user_id', user_id, expiry_time)
        return hr 

    This is the log output:

    2011-04-05 23:16:36.706624
    2011-04-05 23:17:06.706806

    However, if I then check the 'user_id' cookie in Firefox, the 'Expires' date is:

    Tue Apr 5 23:50:07 2011

    What am I doing wrong?