Do I need to have a passphrase for my SSH RSA key?


Solution 1

As you know, the advantage that the passphrase gives you is that if someone is able to read your private key, they are 'unable' to use it.

If someone is able to access that private key, you should take it for granted that they have access(ed)/compromised whatever machines are set up with the public key. Things like .bash_history or .ssh/config only make this easier, even if your .ssh/known_hosts is obfuscated.

Not having a password on your key isn't the end of the world, here are 3 ideas to try and help you secure yourself a little better despite this. (The biggie is the second, read that if nothing else)

  1. Don't just use the same key across all machines and users. Generate each user on each machine (that needs to do this kind of thing) its own key pair. This will let you keep fine grained control on what is able to ssh where.

  2. When adding the key to your authorized_keys file, you can lock it down to only be able to run a specific command, or use it only from a specific host.

    See man ssh and search for command= and from=

    The syntax is something like:

    from="",command="/path/to/executable argument" ssh-rsa key name

    i.e. pop 'rsync' in there and only 'rsync' could be called by your key, and only from the IP address Multiple IPs can be separated by ,. Host names are also supported.

  3. Another thing that springs to mind is the 'AllowUser' directive in your sshd_config


    This keyword can be followed by a list of user name patterns, separated by spaces. If specified, login is allowed only for user names that match one of the patterns. '*' and '?' can be used as wildcards in the patterns. Only user names are valid; a numerical user ID is not recognized. By default, login is allowed for all users. If the pattern takes the form USER@HOST then USER and HOST are separately checked, restricting logins to particular users from particular hosts.

    That basically ensures that the user can only log in from a certain location. (although it accepts wildcards too) Not going to solve all of your problems but it'll at least make it harder for others.

Solution 2

You can use something like keychain to make having a passphrase less painful. This is slightly more secure than using a passwordless login, and can be used in combination with the other answers here. PriceChild's answer was pretty good.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • eckza
    eckza almost 2 years

    Before I started at my current job (at a small business), my office had no firewall on the network and literally nothing was ever being backed up. Now that I've signed on as a dedicated sysadmin / one-man-IT-department, I've been doing what I can to change this. After explaining to my boss how vulnerable we were, he's allowed me to set up some backup servers, one of which is at his house.

    Right now, I'm trying to get everything set so that I can automate daily backups. I am planning to use rsync through ssh to do this. For security's sake as well as for ease of automation, I was planning to disable ssh password login and only use rsa key validation. Well, if I have an rsa passphrase set, then I would still have to enter a passsword, and that's a problem.

    Does not having an rsa passphrase make things significantly less secure? I'm the only person in the company who has any sort of a clue about this kind of thing, so I'm not too worried about someone calling up a terminal on my machine (which is always locked when I'm AFK, anyway) and ssh-ing into one of the backup servers and doing any damage. I'm still very, very new to the world of systems administration, and this is my first time doing anything like this, and I don't want to leave any holes in the security setup.

    The computers in question here are running Ubuntu 10.10, SME Server, and OSX 10.6, if that somehow makes any sort of a difference.

    • Chris Marisic
      Chris Marisic over 13 years
      There really shouldn't be any loss in security by not having a passphrase on your key. Maintaining the security integrity of the key at this point becomes integral since if someone is able to copy it there is no secret key that would prevent them from using it.
    • underscore_d
      underscore_d almost 9 years
      Maybe it's just me, but I have no idea what the above comment is trying to say.
    • Hartator
      Hartator over 8 years
      @underscore_d He is basically saying: No impact on SSH security to have or not have passphrases for your keys BUT you have to keep your keys locally secure.
  • Pricey
    Pricey over 13 years
    Is there any reason you advocate dsa over rsa? I've more often seen the opposite recommended.
  • Pricey
    Pricey over 13 years
    I'm afraid the hack on "the company RSA" has no effect on "the algorithm RSA"'s security. Also check out - "RSA was named after the RSA public key cryptography algorithm, which was in turn named after the initials of its co-inventors: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman."
  • user1686
    user1686 over 13 years
    @Matt: The only thing they have in common is the name. The RSA asymmetric crypto algorithm is pure math, there is no way it could be weakened by a break-in to some corporation's systems.
  • eckza
    eckza over 13 years
    Beautiful - this is exactly what I needed to know. Thank you so much!
  • Pricey
    Pricey over 13 years
    No problem, just don't take it as an exhaustive list! :-) Things like regularly reviewing auth.log/secure etc. spring to mind.
  • eckza
    eckza over 13 years
    @grawity That's good to know... I already set everything up with RSA - with individual keys for each system, etc - and I didn't really feel like doing it all over again from square one.
  • Ehtesh Choudhury
    Ehtesh Choudhury almost 11 years
    So auditing instead of worrying about your passphrase being stolen?
  • Pricey
    Pricey almost 11 years
    @shurane Do both!