Docker - What is proper way to rebuild and push updated image to docker cloud?


Solution 1

I found the problem, thanks to @lorenzvth7!

I've had two images with same tag (which i was pushing to cloud).

Solution is:

  1. Inspect your images and find two or more with the same tag:

    docker images 
  2. Delete them:

    docker rmi --force 'image id'
  3. Thats it! Follow steps from my question above.

Solution 2

Another solution, albeit bruteforce, is to rebuild with the --no-cache flag before pushing again.

docker rmi --force my-djnago-app:latest

docker build -t my-djnago-app:latest . --no-cache

docker push my-djnago-app:latest

Solution 3

I meet the problem as well(In my web application), like this:

# when I push my contaimer to repo
$ docker push <container>
The push refers to repository []
fd5aa641b308: Layer already exists
d9c60c6f98e8: Layer already exists
d9d14867f6d7: Layer already exists
64ce166099ca: Layer already exists
73b670e35c69: Layer already exists
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
9ea142d097a5: Layer already exists
52f5845b1de0: Layer already exists

I try my Solution, and it's works!

# force remove image
$ docker rmi --force <image-id>
# tag for image
$ docker tag <image-name> <your-dockerHub-username>/<image-name>
# push image, just done!
$ docker push <your-user-name>/<image-name>

terminal output:

# when I push my container to repo
$ docker push <container>
The push refers to repository []
# it'll push your part of changes
fd5aa641b308: Pushed
d9c60c6f98e8: Pushed
d9d14867f6d7: Layer already exists
64ce166099ca: Layer already exists
73b670e35c69: Layer already exists
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
9ea142d097a5: Layer already exists
52f5845b1de0: Layer already exists

Then, open my web appliction, it's updates the lastest version!

Alex T
Author by

Alex T

Updated on July 16, 2022


  • Alex T
    Alex T almost 2 years

    What I'm currently doing:


    FROM python:3.5.1
    RUN mkdir /www
    WORKDIR /www
    ADD deps.txt /www/
    RUN pip3 install -r deps.txt
    ADD . /www/
    RUN chmod 0755 /www/

    Build command:

    docker build -t my-djnago-app:latest .


    docker tag my-djnago-app:latest lolorama/my-djnago-app-img:latest


    docker push lolorama/my-djnago-app-img:latest

    After following these steps, the repository image still hasn't updated. I keep getting this message - "Layer already exists".

    The push refers to a repository []
    fd5aa641b308: Layer already exists
    d9c60c6f98e8: Layer already exists
    d9d14867f6d7: Layer already exists
    64ce166099ca: Layer already exists
    73b670e35c69: Layer already exists
    5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
    9ea142d097a5: Layer already exists
    52f5845b1de0: Layer already exists
    e7fadb3ab9d4: Layer already exists
    cef72744de05: Layer already exists
    591569fa6c34: Layer already exists
    998608e2fcd4: Layer already exists
    c12ecfd4861d: Layer already exists

    What am I doing wrong?

  • sudo
    sudo over 6 years
    This seems really heavy-handed for something that's done regularly. I feel like we're missing something.
  • David S.
    David S. over 5 years
    When this happens I just re-tag my images and push. Sometimes the tagging doesn't work? Strange.
  • Abilogos
    Abilogos over 3 years
    hi lidean. its better to copy the logs in Text mode. which helps indexing and searching, and users whit same problem can reach here sooner. tanks