Does GORM have a Decimal datatype?


Solution 1

Michael's answer works. But If you want to use decimal type with golang, you can use shopspring/decimal like this:

type TableName struct {
  Amount    decimal.Decimal `json:"amount" sql:"type:decimal(20,8);"`

Solution 2

If you're using AutoMigrate, you can give GORM SQL instructions (in your struct model) on how to build the table. Try something like the following:

type Product struct {
Id           int
ProductName  string    `sql:"type:varchar(250);"`
Amount       float32   `sql:"type:decimal(10,2);"` 

Solution 3

I know this is a little old but I had this issue and it's very hard to find the answer. if you're using Gorm with liquibase use BigDecimal for any floating point numbers.

Solution 4

This one works for me:

type Product struct {
      decimal.Decimal `gorm:"type:decimal(7,6);"`

I was also trying the suggested sql: but columns end up as text fields in sqlite3 when using gorm's AutoMigrate().

Martin Thoma
Author by

Martin Thoma

I also have a blog about Code, the Web and Cyberculture (medium as well) and a career profile on Stackoverflow. My interests are mainly machine-learning, neural-networks, data-analysis, python, and in general backend development. I love building secure and maintainable systems.

Updated on August 16, 2022
