Does /var/log/secure log successes?


Solution 1

You're looking to grep for "Accepted", not something in the lines of "Success-"

grep Accepted /var/log/secure

Solution 2

Since logging is configurable, you will need to check your syslog configuration to figure out exactly what gets logged to where.


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Max Gomes
Author by

Max Gomes

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Max Gomes
    Max Gomes almost 2 years

    Short one that I've been unable to find a decent answer for.

    Centos 5.10 server, trying to trawl through all the logs I can to see what IPs successfully accessed the server. I've been mucking about with /var/log/secure and /var/log/audit/audit.log.

    Most interesting thing I found was from the /root/.bash_history, grepping through a few suspect directories and files for a specific IP but I want to be sure exactly what IPs have accessed the server via ssh.


    Does /var/log/secure log ssh successes or is there some other file on centos systems that do?

    • Admin
      Admin about 10 years
      welcome to Stack Exchange! on Stack Exchange, we expect people to do a basic level of research before they come to us, given that we're all volunteers. so with that in mind: try it. access the server yourself and see if your IP gets logged.
  • Max Gomes
    Max Gomes about 10 years
    There is no /var/log/auth on redhat/centos systems.
  • Max Gomes
    Max Gomes about 10 years
    Any ideas where exactly to check or what to configure?
  • Jenny D
    Jenny D about 10 years
    That depends on what syslog program you're using. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I strongly advice you to read the documentation at - there's a section specifically about locating log files, and you really need to know the basics about how the system works.