Downgrade PHP 7.1.7 to PHP 7.0.6 CentOS 7


Solution 1

One always need to safely downgrade the PHP version using the commands.

The following are the commands for the downgrade of PHP version:

yum downgrade php

The above command will give the actions that yum will do and proceed. Also you will need to do the following

yum --disablerepo remi-php71 downgrade php

Solution 2

Well, after this problem I've stuck in a few days, then today I found the question.

First thing remove php71 from system,

yum remove php-common php-cli mod-php

enable remi-php70

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70

after that disabled the 7.1

yum-config-manager --disable remi-php71

then do

yum update

then install php 7.0.x

yum -y install php70u php70u-pdo php70u-mysqlnd php70u-opcache php70u-xml php70u-mcrypt php70u-gd php70u-devel php70u-mysql php70u-intl php70u-mbstring php70u-bcmath php70u-json php70u-iconv php70u-soap

restart apache and it's work.

I think this way is also work for downgrading from php 7 to 5

Solution 3

As you have php 7.1 from remi-php71 repository, you have to switch to remi-php70 repository

# yum-config-manager --disable remi-php71
# yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70
# yum downgrade php php-common php-....

P.S. php70u or php70w are from other repositories, please notice that mixing various repositories is a bad idea.


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Don Vincent
Author by

Don Vincent

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Don Vincent
    Don Vincent almost 2 years

    Is it possible to downgrade PHP version from 7.1.7 to 7.0.6 on centOS 7?

    I've try to run

    yum remove php-common php-cli mod-php

    then install php with run

    yum -y install php70w-pdo php70w-mysqlnd php70w-opcache php70w-xml php70w-mcrypt php70w-gd

    but always said php 7.0 is obsolete version will be replace with 7.1

    Always return back to php 7.1.7

    Is there any ways to downgrade PHP version, because I need to install Magento 2.1.7 that required php 7.0x version.