Download an SVN repository?


Solution 1

If you want a GUI to access SVN repos you can use (and its Repobrwoser) If you want a browser based tool, to browse ANY SVN repo without installing SVn on your machine, i don't such a tool. I know only tools to install to your webserver and needed a installed SVN client on these server. To checkout or export a svn repo you need a svn client. (or you copy the files from the command line =) )

Solution 2

If you want to download SVN repository online (e.g. Google Code) without installing anything, you can use wget:

wget -m -np

If authorization is required, you can use the --user and --ask-password flags, which will prompt you for your password:

wget --user=yourusername --ask-password -m -np

Explaining what the parameter does:

-m, --mirror:

Turn on options suitable for mirroring. This option turns on recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings. It is currently equivalent to -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing.

-np, --no-parent:

Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively. This is a useful option, since it guarantees that only the files below a certain hierarchy will be downloaded.

Solution 3

.NET utility for downloading google code project files(SVN). Also has Git support. Requires .Net 2.0

EDIT (now located here )

Solution 4

Install svn, navigate to your directory then run the command svn checkout <url-to-repostitory> ..

Please provide us with some details like your operating system and what/where you want to download.

Solution 5

signup to github and then use:


once you have a git repo on github you can download zip

Shimmy Weitzhandler
Author by

Shimmy Weitzhandler

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Shimmy Weitzhandler
    Shimmy Weitzhandler almost 2 years

    I'm looking for an online tool that will allow me downloading an online SVN repository (google code etc.).

    Do you know of anything?

    I want to download the top parent folder and all its subfolders and content, without installing anything on my computer.