Doxygen warning: documented function not declared or defined


Solution 1

My guess is that Doxygen is not parsing the Analysis/Accept.h header file, so it's not seeing the Analysis class declaration. In the output log, check that Analysis/Accept.h is indeed being processed.

To ensure that Doxygen parses the Analysis directory, you may have to add additional source directories in Expert->Input (in the Doxygen GUI frontend), and/or enable the Recursive option. Perhaps you have to specify a source directory one level above the one you've currently specified.

Solution 2

I was having the same problem, and followed the advice given by Emile Cormier. In my case the relevant header file was indeed not being parsed. This was because I have a c++ header file with the extension .h. I originally had the following in my file:


Looking at the output carefully, I noticed the statement: "Adding custom extension mapping: ..h will be treated as language c++", indicating an extra ".". Removing the period from the relevant line fixed my problem.

Author by


Updated on June 27, 2022


  • d3pd
    d3pd about 2 years

    I'm trying to use Doxygen for the first time. On running Doxygen, I am presented with a large number of warnings of the following form:

    <code>.cxx:<line number>: warning: documented function `<function>::<function>' was not declared or defined.

    I'm not sure how to approach the problem. I'm working with a large C++ package and this type of warning is thrown up a few hundred times on running Doxygen.

    Here's more specific information:

    example warning:

                Accept.cxx:14: warning: documented function `Accept::Accept' was not declared or defined.

    corresponding example section of code:

                #include "Analysis/Accept.h"
                #include "Analysis/Cutflow.h"
                #include "GlaNtp/GlaUtil/Steer/Steer.h"
                #include <iostream>
                Accept::Accept(unsigned int cutmask, unsigned int invertword, StringIntMap* CutTypeMap, Cutflow* analysis_cutflow): m_cutmask(cutmask), m_invertword(invertword), 
                                                                                m_cutword(0),m_cutword_set(false), m_CutTypeMap(CutTypeMap),
                                                                                            // this is constructor
                void Accept::setCutWord(const unsigned int &cutword){
                 m_cutword_set = true;
                 m_cutword = cutword;
                bool Accept::didBitPass(){
                 //std::cout << "Rick Evnt Pass: " << rickTestCutWord() << std::endl;
                 return testCutWord();
                void Accept::InitBitOrder(){
                 Steer* bitorsteer=new Steer(); 
                 std::string configfile="ConFigFiles/ApplyBits/BitOrderConfigurationFile.txt";
                 std::cout << "Fatal ERROR: Failed to read Bit Order configuration steering file:  " << configfile << std::endl;
                 delete bitorsteer;
                m_bitOrderMap = new StringIntMap("BitOrder", bitorsteer);//  bit order
                delete bitorsteer;

    I would appreciate any assistance you might have in pointing me in the right direction.

    Preemptive thanks