Dynamic ListPreference in android


Solution 1

Every XML element in Android can be created programmatically as the element name is also a Java class. Hence you can create a ListPreference in code:

CharSequence[] entries = { "One", "Two", "Three" };
CharSequence[] entryValues = { "1", "2", "3" };
ListPreference lp = new ListPreference(this);

You could alternatively create it in XML then add the entries/entry values in code:

CharSequence[] entries = { "One", "Two", "Three" };
CharSequence[] entryValues = { "1", "2", "3" };
ListPreference lp = (ListPreference)findPreference("list_key_as_defined_in_xml");

Solution 2

For creating a dynamic list preference, u need to create a preference activity (ie to extend an activity as PreferenceActivity).

The following code can be used to create the list dynamically.

// Root
        PreferenceScreen root = getPreferenceManager().createPreferenceScreen(this);
        dialogBasedPrefCat.setTitle("Category Title");
        root.addPreference(dialogBasedPrefCat); //Adding a category

 // List preference under the category
        ListPreference listPref = new ListPreference(this);
        listPref.setKey("keyName"); //Refer to get the pref value
        listPref.setEntries("Array of values");
        listPref.setEntryValues("Array of item value");
        listPref.setDialogTitle("Dialog Title"); 
        dialogBasedPrefCat.addPreference(listPref); Adding under the category

        return root;

Hope this helps to get an !dea...


Create and add values to CharSequence[] like this:

CharSequence[] cs = new String[]{"myValue"};

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Updated on September 04, 2020


  • kkk
    kkk almost 4 years

    How to generate dynamic listPreference in android? I want to get all wifi access points and make a list using in preference Activity(i.e. make a list using listpreference). How to do this?

    • ccpizza
      ccpizza over 11 years
      Considering that the items will be dynamic it is not enough to set the items in onCreate. You also need to update the values when the ListPreference is clicked: stackoverflow.com/questions/6474707/…
  • Spacen Jasset
    Spacen Jasset almost 13 years
    findViewById works with views. ListPreference isn't a view, so the second example doesn't seem to work. Can't cast.
  • Boris van Schooten
    Boris van Schooten almost 13 years
    See this example code for dynamically creating other kinds of preferences: developer.android.com/resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/…
  • Greg Dan
    Greg Dan almost 13 years
    findPreference should work instead of findViewById. However findPreference is deprecated in Honeycomb.
  • Malachi
    Malachi almost 12 years
    A little strange that getEntries and getEntryValues are DOA but I'm sure there's a good reason. And this is a great solution.
  • Jeff G
    Jeff G almost 12 years
    Boris - your link doesn't work: it just takes me to the Download Samples index. However, I followed the path indicated when hovering over your link in my downloaded samples and found it. (For anyone else: start from android-sdk\samples\android-<version>\ApiDemos then follow the rest of Boris's path)
  • Warpzit
    Warpzit over 9 years
    Samples path: sdk\samples\android-21\legacy\ApiDemos\src\com\example\andro‌​id\apis\preference