dynamic sql generation is not supported against multiple base tables


Solution 1

Change your select query and add distinct with inner join.

For example there are two query from which you can understand that what I want to tell you

Wrong query

select iop.pob_id, iop.pob_product_id, iop.pob_qty, iop.pob_unit_id
    , iop.pob_rate, iop.pob_value, iop.pob_fiscalyear_id
    , **p.product_desc** as orderBy from inv_product_open_balc iop
left join inv_product p on iop.pob_product_id = p.product_id
where p.product_desc like 'Air Freshner%' and iop.pob_fiscalyear_id = 3

Correct query

select distinct iop.pob_id, iop.pob_product_id, iop.pob_qty
    , iop.pob_unit_id, iop.pob_rate, iop.pob_value, iop.pob_fiscalyear_id
    , **(select Product_desc from** inv_product p where p.product_id = iop.pob_product_id )as orderBy
from inv_product_open_balc iop
inner join inv_product p on iop.pob_product_id = p.product_id
where p.product_desc like 'Air Freshner%' and iop.pob_fiscalyear_id = 3

Solution 2

You can't use an SqlCommandBuilder here:

Automatically generates single-table commands that are used to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with...

The key words here being "single-table". It has no way to reverse engineer from the SELECT statement how a specific update should be applied (e.g. if you NULL all of the columns from the right side of a left join, should it delete the row, or set each column to null.

You need to author appropriate Insert, Update and Delete commands on the SqlDataAdapter.

Spoon Yukina
Author by

Spoon Yukina

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Spoon Yukina
    Spoon Yukina almost 2 years

    I tried to add a new row to a Table in an SQL DB, but I had a problem :

    dynamic sql generation is not supported against multiple base tables

    this is the code I tried :

    private MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
    private SqlDataAdapter adapter;
    private SqlDataAdapter adapter2;
    private void GestionCollections_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select Id_Collection ID, Libelle_Collection Collection,Libelle_Editeur Editeur from Collection_ left join Editeur on Id_Editeur = Collection_.Id_Editeur_Editeur", myClass.cnx);
         adapter.Fill(myClass.ds, "Collection_");
         adapter2 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Id_Editeur ID,Libelle_Editeur Editeur from Editeur", myClass.cnx);
         adapter2.Fill(myClass.ds, "Editeur");
    private void AjouterBarButton_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
        String newKeyWordCollectionName = ajoutCollection.KeyWordCollectionName;
        String newKeyWordAEditeurName = ajoutCollection.KeyWordEditeurName;        
        DataRow row = myClass.ds.Tables["Collection_"].NewRow();
        row[1] = newKeyWordCollectionName;
        foreach(var myRow in myClass.ds.Tables["Editeur"].AsEnumerable())
             if (newKeyWordAEditeurName == myRow[1] as String)
                  row[2] = (int)myRow[0];
         SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
         adapter.Update(myClass.ds, "Collection_");
  • Aghilas Yakoub
    Aghilas Yakoub over 11 years
    Nota : In your Update selectCommand, you defined left join query, and so you can create left join query, replace this query with just select.
  • Aghilas Yakoub
    Aghilas Yakoub over 11 years
    Left Join query is not single table , you have two tables or more
  • Spoon Yukina
    Spoon Yukina over 11 years
    I don't want just select statement I must use the left join query, check this : link
  • Aghilas Yakoub
    Aghilas Yakoub over 11 years
    with SqlCommandBuilder and left join you can't Spoon generate your queries
  • Spoon Yukina
    Spoon Yukina over 11 years
    So isn't there any solution ? because I need to use this left join query to give me the right results that I want
  • Aghilas Yakoub
    Aghilas Yakoub over 11 years
    you want impossible solution Spoon, i understand you why you have bug , i bring you answer about your problem
  • Fergal Moran
    Fergal Moran over 6 years
    This is a great answer, surprised it doesn't have more upvotes.
  • Sidupac
    Sidupac over 6 years
    worked fine for me but i didn't need to include the inner join or distinct: select iop.pob_id,iop.pob_product_id,iop.pob_qty,iop.pob_unit_id, iop.pob_rate,iop.pob_value,iop.pob_fiscalyear_id,(select Product_desc from inv_product as p where p.product_id = iop.pob_product_id ) as orderBy from inv_product_open_balc as iop where p.product_desc like 'Air Freshner%' and iop.pob_fiscalyear_id = 3