Dynamically adding extjs items to field container


Solution 1

Below is example handler.

handler: function() {
    var container = this.up('fieldset');
    var config = Ext.apply({}, container.initialConfig.items[0]);
    config.fieldLabel = container.items.length + 1;

Basically it finds parent component which holds rows (which is fieldset), access initialConfig property, finds first line config in it (items[0]), makes shallow copy of config (Ext.apply) and adds it to container (container.add).

Working sample: http://jsbin.com/evevod/6/edit#preview

Solution 2

We can change the name of fields like this:

var container = this.up('fieldset'); 
var config = Ext.apply({}, container.initialConfig.items[0]);
config.fieldLabel = container.items.length+1;
config.items[0].name = 'fname' + config.fieldLabel;
config.items[1].name = 'lname' + config.fieldLabel;
config.items[2].name = 'title' + config.fieldLabel;
Author by


I am UI Designer specialized in Web App Design/Mobile UI design.

Updated on June 25, 2022


  • Ravi
    Ravi about 2 years

    I am using a extjs field container for my application where I have details, funds, dependants sections in the form. In the funds and dependants section I have a button 'add another' which is intended to add a new line item every time when button is clicked.

    This is the form i have created http://jsbin.com/evevod/4/edit

    I am new to extjs4. Can anyone please help me how to create a item dynamically onclick?