Dynamically creating a multi-dimensional hash in Ruby


Solution 1

@John's Enumerable#group_by suggestion is one good way to solve your needs. Another would be to create an auto-vivifying Hash (like you appear to have in PHP) like so:

hash = Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = Hash.new(&h.default_proc) }
hash[:a][:b][:c] = 42
p hash
#=> {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>42}}}

Note that this sort of auto-vivification can be 'dangerous' if you access keys that don't exist, as it creates them for you:

p hash["does this exist?"]
#=> {}

p hash
#=> {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>42}}, "does this exist?"=>{}}

You can still use the vivifying default_proc without hitting this danger if you use key? to test for the key first:

val = hash["OH NOES"] if hash.key?("OH NOES")
#=> nil

p hash
#=> {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>42}}, "does this exist?"=>{}}

FWIW, the error you are getting says, "Hey, you put [] after something that evaluated to nil, and nil doesn't have a [] method." Specifically, your code...


evaluated to nil (because the hash did not yet have a value for this key) and then you attempted to ask for


Solution 2

You might be interested in group_by.

Sample usage:

birds = ["Golden Eagle", "Gyrfalcon", "American Robin",
         "Mountain BlueBird", "Mountain-Hawk Eagle"]
grouped_by_first_letter = birds.group_by { |s| s[0] }

# { "G"=>["Golden Eagle", "Gyrfalcon"], "A"=>["American Robin"],
#   "M"=>["Mountain BlueBird", "Mountain-Hawk Eagle"] }

Solution 3

The obvious problem with the example above is that nested hashes and arrays you try to use don't exist. Try this:

sorted_pois = {}
pois.each do |point|
  # sanitize data - convert to hash of symbolized keys and values
  poi = Hash[ %w{file_type file match}.map do |key| 
    [key.to_sym, point.send(key).to_sym]
  end ]

  # create nested hash/array if it doesn't already exist
  sorted_pois[ poi[:file_type] ] ||= {}
  sorted_pois[ poi[:file_type] ][ poi[:file] ] ||= {}
  sorted_pois[ poi[:file_type] ][ poi[:file] ][ poi[:match] ] ||= []

  sorted_pois[ poi[:file_type] ][ poi[:file] ][ poi[:match] ] << point
Chris Allen Lane
Author by

Chris Allen Lane

I am a full-stack developer and webapp pentester based out of Gainesville, FL.

Updated on July 23, 2022


  • Chris Allen Lane
    Chris Allen Lane almost 2 years

    I'm a PHP developer who's trying to gain some proficiency in Ruby. One of the projects I'm cutting my teeth on now is a source-code auditing tool that scans webapp files for potentially dangerous functions in several web programming languages. When matches are found, the script saves the relevant information in a poi (point-of-interest) class for display later on.

    An example instance of that class would look something like this (modeled in YAML):

        file_type: "php"
        file: "the-scanned-file.php"
        line_number: 100
        match: "eval()"
        snippet: "echo eval()"

    On display, I want to organize these points of interest like so:

    - file_type
    -- file
    --- match (the searched payload)

    Thus, before presentation, I'm trying to structure a flat array of poi objects into a hash mirroring the structure above. This will allow me to simply iterate over the items in the hash to produce the desired on-screen organization. (Or at least, that's the plan.)

    And now, for my question: how do I do that in Ruby?

    In PHP, I could do something like this really easily:

    $sorted_pois = array();
    foreach($points_of_interest as $point){
        $sorted_pois[$point->file_type][$point->file][$point->match][] = $point;

    I've tried translating that thought from PHP to Ruby like this, but to no avail:

    sorted_pois = {}
    @points_of_interest.each_with_index do |point, index|
        sorted_pois[point.file_type.to_sym][point.file.to_sym][point.match.to_sym].push point

    I've spent a few hours on this, and I'm kind of banging my head against the wall at this point, so presumably I'm way off-base. What's the proper way to handle this in Ruby?


    For reference, this is the precise method I have defined:

    # sort the points of interest into a structured hash
    def sort
      sorted_pois = {}
      @points_of_interest.each_with_index do |point, index|
        sorted_pois[point.file_type.to_sym][point.file.to_sym][point.match.to_sym].push point

    This is the error I receive when I run the code:

    ./lib/models/vulnscanner.rb:63:in `sort': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `each_with_index'
        from ./lib/models/vulnscanner.rb:62:in `each'
        from ./lib/models/vulnscanner.rb:62:in `each_with_index'
        from ./lib/models/vulnscanner.rb:62:in `sort'
        from ./webapp-vulnscan:69

    Line 62 (as you can likely infer) is this line in particular:

    @points_of_interest.each_with_index do |point, index|

    As an additional reference, here's what (a snippet of) @points_of_interest looks like when converted to YAML:

    - !ruby/object:PoI 
      file: models/couponkimoffer.php
      file_type: php
      group: :dangerous_functions
      line_number: "472"
      match: `
      snippet: ORDER BY `created_at` DESC
    - !ruby/object:PoI 
      file: models/couponkimoffer.php
      file_type: php
      group: :dangerous_functions
      line_number: "818"
      match: `
      snippet: WHERE `company_slug` = '$company_slug'
    - !ruby/object:PoI 
      file: models/couponkimoffer.php
      file_type: php
      group: :dangerous_functions
      line_number: "819"
      match: `
      snippet: ORDER BY `created_at` DESC
  • Phrogz
    Phrogz about 12 years
    +1 for being right; you may gather more upvotes if you show how it's used beyond linking to the docs.
  • Phrogz
    Phrogz about 12 years
    This is the 'safer' way to manually create the nestings; see my answer for a less-safe-but-more-convenient way.
  • Chris Allen Lane
    Chris Allen Lane about 12 years
    @Phrogz, thanks for taking the time to explain that to me. I'm really starting to like Ruby, but man, it's tricky! This makes it obvious I've got a bit more reading to do :)
  • BlackHatSamurai
    BlackHatSamurai over 11 years
    Great answer! Really helped me understand! Thank you for explaining things as well as you did.