Eat memory using Python


Solution 1

One simple way might be:

some_str = ' ' * 512000000

Seemed to work pretty well in my tests.

Edit: in Python 3, you might want to use bytearray(512000000) instead.

Solution 2

You won't be able to allocate all the memory you can using constructs like

s = ' ' * BIG_NUMBER

It is better to append a list as in

a = []
while True:
    print len(a)
    a.append(' ' * 10**6)

Here is a longer code which gives more insight on the memory allocation limits:

import os
import psutil

PROCESS = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
MEGA = 10 ** 6

def pmem():
    tot, avail, percent, used, free = psutil.virtual_memory()
    tot, avail, used, free = tot / MEGA, avail / MEGA, used / MEGA, free / MEGA
    proc = PROCESS.get_memory_info()[1] / MEGA
    print('process = %s total = %s avail = %s used = %s free = %s percent = %s'
          % (proc, tot, avail, used, free, percent))

def alloc_max_array():
    i = 0
    ar = []
    while True:
            #ar.append(MEGA_STR)  # no copy if reusing the same string!
            ar.append(MEGA_STR + str(i))
        except MemoryError:
        i += 1
    max_i = i - 1
    print 'maximum array allocation:', max_i

def alloc_max_str():
    i = 0
    while True:
            a = ' ' * (i * 10 * MEGA)
            del a
        except MemoryError:
        i += 1
    max_i = i - 1
    _ = ' ' * (max_i * 10 * MEGA)
    print 'maximum string allocation', max_i


This is the output I get:

process = 4 total = 3179 avail = 2051 used = 1127 free = 2051 percent = 35.5
maximum string allocation 102
process = 1025 total = 3179 avail = 1028 used = 2150 free = 1028 percent = 67.7
maximum array allocation: 2004
process = 2018 total = 3179 avail = 34 used = 3144 free = 34 percent = 98.9

Solution 3

x = bytearray(1024*1024*1000)

Eats about 1GB of memory

Solution 4

You can allocate a huge amount of ram by executing:

while True:
    for i in range(0,100000000):
        Gig = 1024*1024*1024*2#A Gig multiplied by 2
        a = 999999999999999999999 * (i * Gig)
        a = a * i
        print str(a)*2

Save it in a .pyw for background ram allocation. If it doesn't freeze your pc try increasing the variable a's value. To stop it :

#First we send signals
os.system("TASKKILL /im pythonw.exe")
os.system("TASKKILL /im python.exe") 
print "Forcefull termination"
#Now we forcefully terminate
#pythonw.exe if running in idle or background
os.system("TASKKILL /im python.exe /f")
os.system("TASKKILL /im pythonw.exe /f")

Solution 5

This function will allocate memory into a list of bytes objects. Each item in the list will effectively be unique and of the same length. The function also logs its allocations. I have tested it up to 3.7 TiB. It uses the humanfriendly package but you can remove its use if you don't want it.

It does use a loop, but at least it lets you optionally customize how much to allocate in each iteration. For example, you can use an 8-fold higher value for multiplier_per_allocation.

import logging
import secrets
from typing import Optional

from humanfriendly import format_size

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def fill_memory(*, num_unique_bytes_per_allocation: int = 1024, multiplier_per_allocation: int = 1024 ** 2, max_allocations: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    """Allocate available memory into a list of effectively unique bytes objects.

    This function is for diagnostic purposes.

    :param num_unique_bytes_per_allocation: Each allocation is created by multiplying a random sequence of bytes of this length.
    :param multiplier_per_allocation: Each allocation is created by multiplying the random sequence of bytes by this number.
    :param max_allocations: Optional number of max allocations.
    # Ref:
    num_allocation_bytes = num_unique_bytes_per_allocation * multiplier_per_allocation
        f"Allocating cumulative instances of {num_allocation_bytes:,} bytes ({format_size(num_allocation_bytes)}) each. "
        f"Each allocation uses {num_unique_bytes_per_allocation:,} unique bytes ({format_size(num_unique_bytes_per_allocation)}) "
        f"with a multiplier of {multiplier_per_allocation:,} ({format_size(multiplier_per_allocation)})."

    # Allocate memory
    allocated = []
    num_allocation = 1
    while True:
        unique_bytes_for_allocation = secrets.token_bytes(num_unique_bytes_per_allocation)
        allocated.append(unique_bytes_for_allocation * multiplier_per_allocation)
        num_total_bytes_allocated = num_allocation * num_allocation_bytes"Used a total of {num_total_bytes_allocated:,} bytes ({format_size(num_total_bytes_allocated)}) via {num_allocation:,} allocations.")
        if max_allocations and (max_allocations == num_allocation):
        num_allocation += 1

Sample output:

>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)

>>> fill_memory()
INFO:Allocating cumulative instances of 1,073,741,824 bytes (1 GiB) each. Each allocation uses 1,024 unique bytes (1 KiB) with a multiplier of 1,048,576 (1 MiB).
INFO:Used a total of 1,073,741,824 bytes (1 GiB) via 1 allocations.
INFO:Used a total of 2,147,483,648 bytes (2 GiB) via 2 allocations.
INFO:Used a total of 3,221,225,472 bytes (3 GiB) via 3 allocations.
INFO:Used a total of 4,294,967,296 bytes (4 GiB) via 4 allocations.
Author by


Abstraction Free is better then Open. Open is better than Close. Simple is better than Complex. Complex is better than Complicated Do one things and do it well, or don't do it at all. Always be friendly in communities so that you can help better in solving their problem. About Me I am Eugene. Worked in Autodesk. I am well rounded programmer, specialize in Python & JavaScript.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Yeo
    Yeo almost 2 years

    I am trying to create an app that can "Purposely" consume RAM as much as we specify immediately. e.g. I want to consume 512 MB RAM, then the app will consume 512 MB directly.

    I have search on the web, most of them are using while loop to fill the ram with variable or data. But I think it is slow way to fill the RAM and might not accurate either.

    I am looking for a library in python about memory management. and came across these But can't figure out how to use these library to eat the RAM Space in one shot.

    I ever saw an mem-eater application, but don't know how they were written...

    So, is there any other better suggestion for Fill the RAM with random data immediately? Or Should I just use while loop to fill the data manually but with Multi-Threading to make it faster?

  • slezica
    slezica almost 13 years
    Decide on a chunk size (for example, 1024) and instead of requesting a huge string, request many small ones.
  • Yeo
    Yeo almost 13 years
    I tried but still have problem... I break it into 2 pcs and load the first 512 MB successfully, but not the second 512...
  • Wooble
    Wooble almost 13 years
    @YeoEoeY: Python can't allocate more memory than the OS will allow it to.
  • Fernando Correia
    Fernando Correia almost 8 years
    I had to change a line to tot, avail, percent, used, free, active, inactive, buffers, cached = psutil.virtual_memory() to avoid ValueError: too many values to unpack.
  • Yeo
    Yeo over 3 years
    Similar to the earlier answer