Eclipse hangs at the Android SDK Content Loader


Solution 1

This is the solution I found which works correctly:

  1. Make sure that eclipse is not active. If it is active kill eclipse from the processes tab of the task manager
  2. Open %USERPROFILE%/ on Windows or simply ~ on Linux/OS X (You can locate this folder from the Desktop)
  3. Go to .android folder (This may be a hidden folder)
  4. Delete the folder cache which is located inside .android folder
  5. Delete the file ddms.cfg which is located inside .android folder
  6. Start Eclipse

Hope that this will work for you.

Solution 2

Same problem, stuck at 0%. Ran

/Applications/eclipse/eclipse -clean

and everything worked great again. Modify that path for linux boxes.

Update (from the remark from @Janusz )

For mac users with eclipse outside application directory your clean command will looks similar to:

path/eclipse/ -clean 

Solution 3

Go to your workspace directory \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects and delete all the projects in there.

Note: You are not going to lose your projects

Solution 4

I have used some other answers here to fix this problem but I came across it again recently, and none worked. I didn't want to re-install or delete my workspace, so I finally found one that did work that might help someone else. Delete the file:


You can make a backup first, if you like. It stores your workbench settings (perspective state, file paths for menu options, etc.) But eclipse loaded and I didn't have to re-install anything like some answer suggest. And I haven't seen this anywhere.

Solution 5

I know that this has been resolved but I thought I would share this link:

Solution One

Often times, this problem can be network related. Check if your network is behind a proxy. If so, you need to configure proxy on Eclipse. For that, go to “Windows” -> “Preferences” -> “General” -> “Network Connections”, and fill in your proxy info. Restart Eclipse after that. Conversely, it’s also possible that you have configured proxy on Eclipse before, but that you are no longer behind proxy. Make sure to disable proxy then.

Solution Two

Another solution is to clean up project-specific meta data directories which are stored under your workspace directory.

$ cd workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects
$ rm -rf *

Restart Eclipse.

Solution Three

Check if an adb process is running. If so, kill the adb process, and restart Eclipse.

Solution Four

  1. Try deleteing the contents of the cache folder located in user profile under .android\cache
  2. Try deleteing the ddms.cfg located in user profile under .android

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Video quality guy and researcher, PhD student in computer science. Founder/CEO of AVEQ. I offer personal consulting and help with video encoding, especially with FFmpeg. Send a mail to werner.robitza at More info on my website.

Updated on November 03, 2020


  • slhck
    slhck over 3 years

    I've been working with Eclipse 4.2 (Juno release 20120920-0800) on OS X 10.8.2 for a few weeks now, building apps for Android 3.0 and above. I have a quad core i7 MacBook Pro with an SSD, so performance is not an issue. Everything was fine.

    At some point I imported an Android project that required Android 2.2, so I installed that using the Android SDK manager (v.21). Ever since then, working with Eclipse takes forever. First of all, it will print the following in the status message at the bottom right:

    Android SDK Content Loader: (0%)

    This takes two minutes or so. The specific message is "Check Projects" and while it's doing that, all Android projects are highlighted in red, because the Android resources aren't found. Then, it proceeds with:

    Loading data for Android 2.2 (100%)

    This will stay for a couple of minutes. Then it goes on to do the same with Android 3.1 and other SDK versions I have installed. It basically hangs whenever the first autocompletion kicks in (e.g. after typing System.) or when I access the Android preferences before it has loaded.

    Here's the state of my Android SDK:

    What I've already tried:

    • Reinstalling the Android SDK (via Homebrew), thus deleting /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk completely.

    • Reinstalling the AVD plugin (v.21) from scratch.

    What can I do to find out about the source of these problems and get back to a nice and clean state?

    • MLQ
      MLQ over 11 years
      Are you supposed to have a /r21 after your android-sdk location? Mine ends at android-sdks.
    • slhck
      slhck over 11 years
      Yes, that's normal for Android SDK versions installed via Homebrew. The SDK is found and loaded, it just takes forever.
    • Dharmik
      Dharmik over 9 years
      I had same problem, I just clicked on Looding Content Loader and it will just solved.. also clean it first.. :)
    • Dmila Ram
      Dmila Ram about 9 years
      take a look at… im sure it will help you
  • Johan Karlsson
    Johan Karlsson over 11 years
    I think it would be better to actually solve the problem. This seems just like a workaround.
  • slhck
    slhck over 11 years
    Do you think this is related to Internet connectivity or speed? Back when I had this issue my connection was very flaky, but now it seems to be better again and Eclipse doesn't hang anymore
  • ragzz2014
    ragzz2014 over 11 years
    i think it's a connection problem, i just solved it by install all the Documentation for Android SDK in Android SDK Manager.
  • dharmendra
    dharmendra about 11 years
    My connection is fast enough but still having issue , i just tried and all works great !
  • krasnoperov
    krasnoperov almost 11 years
    I have a complex workspace setup, and deleting everything from that folder caused Eclipse to lose its mind (unable to find my projects). However, restoring that folder to a previous state from my backup tool fixed the problem.
  • Rupert Rawnsley
    Rupert Rawnsley almost 11 years
    Like @ScottW, Eclipse didn't like this. However, I removed all the projects and re-added them (via Git import) and it was happy again.
  • plaes
    plaes almost 11 years
    This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post - you can always comment on your own posts, and once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post.
  • James
    James over 10 years
    This was very bad for me. I think the "eclipse -clean" suggestion is much better.
  • dsrees
    dsrees over 10 years
    If Eclipse yells at you, delete projects from the workspace (not from disk) and then import them again. Worked for me after doing that
  • Clement Ho
    Clement Ho over 10 years
    This method will force all projects to be refreshed. and Also all SVN check out information to be erased. eclipse -clean is a way better solution. Also, it cause Periodic Save error on eclipse. I am glad that I would able to resort my deleted files from trash and use -clean option.
  • Nezneika
    Nezneika over 10 years
    I follow "solution Two", it helps to open Eclipse, but looses all SVN setting
  • Nezneika
    Nezneika over 10 years
    Update: The .svn folders of all projects actually still exist, so I open Eclipse, choose Project>Team>Share Projects. Then its display message "Project is already configured with SVN repository", click Finish to re-connect SVN setting. "Solution Two" solved my problem, thanks @cking24343.
  • Longerian
    Longerian over 10 years
    I deleted some of my deprecated projects, not all, and solved this problem. This let me do not need to import working projects.
  • FrancescoAzzola
    FrancescoAzzola over 10 years
    I tried the solution you described but i couldn't resolve the problem. I had to delete the project under .project directory
  • demaniak
    demaniak over 10 years
    The suggestion from laybackClimb to delete the stuff under .projects worked for me, BUT eclipse was not overly happy about it (numerous annoying errors).Eventually got eclipse happy again (deleted and re-imported some projects etc). I have not tested this 'eclipse -clean' options, but I suspect it might be a gentler approach.
  • stevebot
    stevebot over 10 years
    highly do not recommend this. Screws up a bunch of meta-data in Eclipse causing it to not load projects. Strange that this is the highest voted answer.
  • Janusz Chudzynski
    Janusz Chudzynski about 10 years
    For mac users: If you have eclipse outside the application directory like me your clean command will looks similar to: path/eclipse/ -clean
  • A.S.
    A.S. about 10 years
    Didn't work for me, deleting the cache otherwise worked
  • M. Reza Nasirloo
    M. Reza Nasirloo almost 10 years
    All solution just worked one time, and after restating the eclipse sane story. But this solution fix the problem permanently. thanks
  • Richard
    Richard almost 10 years
    Yep. This is what you gotta do. I made a shortcut in windows to add "-clean" to the end of the path. Now when this happens I just run that shortcut, let it load, then I can close it and run eclipse normally.
  • Ajay
    Ajay almost 10 years
    in my case it worked using this command in Mac post cleaning cache as mentioned by roy methew. Alone this command was not working. Thx
  • shaon007
    shaon007 almost 10 years
    @TomislavTurcic : My eclipse setup directory is F:\android\eclipse and F drive is my main drive.So, shall i show the path in command line and run eclipse -clean?
  • Will Jamieson
    Will Jamieson almost 10 years
    Tried just about everything and nothing worked. Ended up just creating a new workspace and that did the trick
  • DNax
    DNax almost 10 years
    You should not delete that directory without possibility of recover, because as @stevebot said, the projects and their plugins configs won't load (you lose even the version control configs for each one). You should, backup the .projects folder, start eclipse, let it load, then close it, and after that, overwrite the recently generated .projects with the one you backed-up. (Taken from here: )
  • Jgod
    Jgod almost 10 years
    If it happens frequently enough for you as it does me, it's handy to remember to alias it in your ~/.bash_profile
  • Jgod
    Jgod almost 10 years
    Though the clean solution works for me sometimes, this one is far more reliable, thank you.
  • crushman
    crushman almost 10 years
    this one seemed to work for me. Had the problem after trying to update my google services and librarys.
  • Danedo
    Danedo almost 10 years
    if you run this command with a workspace full of Android projects, be sure to reimport projects with 'Existing Projects into Workspace'. If you try 'Existing Android Code Into Workspace', you will get an error
  • Joe Lapp
    Joe Lapp almost 10 years
    None of these suggestions worked for me. The solution was to obliterate the workspace, checkout my code from git again, and re-import the projects into the workspace.
  • SundayMonday
    SundayMonday almost 10 years
    This worked for me too. My set up is OS X 10.8.5, Eclipse 4.2.1
  • codeMagic
    codeMagic almost 10 years
    This was the easiest way for me (especially since I've had to do it multiple times now). I do have to reopen my expressions tab but that's no biggie.
  • Vishal
    Vishal over 9 years
    Not recommended. Meta data may got lost. Additionally if you are using TFS/SVN it then related data got deleted too.
  • Mehdi
    Mehdi over 9 years
    This worked for me, seems the easiest solution. Thanks. Set up: Windows 8.1, Eclipse 4.2.1, ADT 22.3.0.
  • Nezam
    Nezam over 9 years
    to make it more easier go for the terminal way on mac.execute: cd /Users/<your name>/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.‌​workbench rm -f workbench.xmi
  • AWT
    AWT over 9 years
    If you have projects linked to SVN, do NOT do this step.
  • Androidcoder
    Androidcoder over 9 years
    This solution should be part of the eclipse documentation.
  • Muhammad Adil
    Muhammad Adil over 9 years
    +1, after wasting one day to stay on safe side and too not get any mess with eclipse, I just tried and worked for me. Note: Git projects will be no more in a connection with remote repository
  • marcwjj
    marcwjj about 9 years
    Didn't work for me - but the answer below by hcpl solved my problem.
  • user1129812
    user1129812 over 7 years
    roy mathew's solution worked once for me but eclipse stucks again after reboot. This solution works great for me and could survive after reboot.