ElasticSearch full text search using Java API


After crawling the Internet for hours, I've managed to figure it out, with some help from the javadocs. The most important is the interface *QueryBuilder*, and its implementing classes. I used FieldQueryBuilder for my query, which in shown in the setQuery method below.

SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("mongoindex")
    .setQuery(fieldQuery("name", "test name"))
SearchHit[] results = response.getHits().getHits();
for (SearchHit hit : results) {
  System.out.println(hit.getId());    //prints out the id of the document
  Map<String,Object> result = hit.getSource();   //the retrieved document

With the resulting Map object, you can simply call the get method to retrieve the relevant data.

Wei Hao
Author by

Wei Hao

Graduated with Cum Laude in BSc Information Systems from Singapore Management University

Updated on June 19, 2022


  • Wei Hao
    Wei Hao almost 2 years

    I've recently started exploring the world of search, and am trying to use ES as the index for my MongoDB. I've managed to integrate them successfully, but I find the search API rather complex and confusing. The Java API is not too helpful either. I am able to find exact matches, but how do I do full-text searches? Here is my code:

    Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
        .put("cluster.name", "elasticsearch").build();
    Client client = new TransportClient(settings)
        .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("host-ip", 9300));
    SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("mongoindex")
        .setQuery(termQuery("name", "*name*"))

    I have no problems finding "name":"testname" using .setQuery(termQuery("name", "testname")), but "name":"this is a test name" doesn't work with the above example. What am I doing wrong?

  • Wei Hao
    Wei Hao over 11 years
    if that is the case, how could i search for a phrase (or substring) within text?
  • mjhm
    mjhm over 11 years
    I would guess using a query_string elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/…
  • Wei Hao
    Wei Hao over 11 years
    Unfortunately, that is not in Java, which is really the crux of my question, as I am using the Java API. I've seen the link but I can't translate it into Java.
  • mjhm
    mjhm over 11 years