Elinks or Lynx?


Solution 1

If you're asking which I prefer for a more complete browsing experience, I prefer Elinks. It has tabbed browsing, download/password managing, and tabbed navigation (handy when in a terminal). It also (partially) supports CSS 2.1, (fully) supports frames. It also (partially) supports JavaScript. Not as important, but Elinks supports more protocols than Lynx (I specifically use the Bittorrent protocol).

If you're asking which is more suitable for testing text-only browsers, Lynx is probably more popular, but Elinks is still a great choice here as well.

For comparision look here.

Solution 2

Quoting from A comparison of text-based browsers. This text contains reviews and screen shots of six text-based browsers.

Lynx does a lot of the things elinks does, and does a fairly quick and clean job doing it.

I found only one options page and it is very easy to navigate. In fact, one of the things I liked best about lynx was it’s flat approach to configuration. Everything is right there, and easy to control.

That being said, lynx probably has the most configuration options at the command line of all the six listed here. Looking over the --help list, it seems like just about anything can be turned on or off … even turning things on or off.

Screen-shot of lynx


Screen-shot of elinks


Solution 3

This is a complement of Nick Presta's answer.

There are ten text-based web browsers listed on Wikipedia. The three most active are:

  1. elinks is the active version of links. Its Git repo is alive (six 0.12 beta versions since July 2008) but last stable release is old (0.11.7 in August 2009).

  2. lynx is a bit more active than elinks and last stable release is almost as old (2.8.7rel.2 in June 2010). The RCS/PRCS repository is not public but you can check activity of the lynx-dev mailing list.

  3. w3m can display pictures on xterm and can handle table, cookies, authentication, and almost everything except JavaScript. Last stable release is not so old (0.5.3 in January 2011) but CVS repo is sleeping.

See also findthebest.com that compares software based on their technical data.

While testing these browsers through a proxy (using http_proxy=http://user:pwd@host:port/) I have been pleased to see that lynx requested for user and password so you can avoid putting them on http_proxy.

Solution 4

I use them as a rough visual metaphor for what it must be like to use a screen-reader. When I am addressing accessibility concerns I use Lynx to check the page when I don't have access to a screen-reader.

Why do I use Lynx? Because I wasn't aware of any alternatives!

Solution 5

CLI web browsers are still sometimes noticeably faster than GUI browsers.

More importantly, they're also more distraction-free (no images, JavaScript, Flash, etc.), in much the same vein as apps like WriteRoom.

Michal aka Miki
Author by

Michal aka Miki


Updated on January 04, 2021


  • Michal aka Miki
    Michal aka Miki over 3 years

    Please, state your reasons for your terminal browser. Why are you using Lynx or Elinks? How do they help you in programming?

    • Shripad Krishna
      Shripad Krishna almost 14 years
      One of the main reasons that i use lynx is to see how my web page(s) is viewed by a search engine. Also, Elinks over lynx for HTTPS support.
    • iconoclast
      iconoclast almost 12 years
      @ShripadK: it would be helpful to mention how lynx is better than Elinks for seeing how your pages are viewed by search engines. Also, you might want to make that an answer instead of just a comment.
  • Lazer
    Lazer over 14 years
    any idea how to setup a proxy in Lynx? stackoverflow.com/questions/1494849/…
  • Jarret Hardie
    Jarret Hardie over 14 years
    If you have lynx 2.2 or higher, put the proxy configuration in your lynx.cfg file: lynx.isc.org/release/lynx2-8-7/lynx_help/body.html#HTTP_PROX‌​Y
  • naugtur
    naugtur almost 14 years
    Tabbed browsing? Does Links2 have it too?
  • Yavor Angelov
    Yavor Angelov almost 14 years
    I don't use links2, but try with -g (graphical mode).
  • iconoclast
    iconoclast almost 12 years
    elinks is also a terminal browser, so comparing lynx with a GUI browser misses the point of the question.
  • JohnJohn
    JohnJohn over 9 years
    I know this answer was written 5 years ago, and ELinks has it's latest update 5 years ago as well. For the newer users, ELinks is dead. It's not being updated anymore. Though it doesn't stop you from using it but I'd prefer either Links or Lynx as an alternative.
  • Motivated
    Motivated over 5 years
    How does these compare from a security perspective?
  • Motivated
    Motivated over 5 years
    How does these compare from a security perspective?
  • Motivated
    Motivated over 5 years
    How secure is Lynx as my understanding is that it isn't actively developed?
  • Motivated
    Motivated over 5 years
    What about security considerations? Is Lynx more secure? If yes, how?
  • oHo
    oHo almost 5 years
    Hi @Motivated Good question... I do not know. Have you spend some time to check the security about these tools? Have fun