EntityManagerFactory Bean in Spring-boot test

public class PersistenceJPAConfig{

   public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory() {
      LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean em = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
      em.setPackagesToScan(new String[] { "\\your package here" });

      JpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();

      return em;

   public DataSource dataSource(){
      DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
      dataSource.setUsername( "\\userName" );
      dataSource.setPassword( "\\password" );
      return dataSource;

   public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(EntityManagerFactory emf){
      JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();

      return transactionManager;
Author by


Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Remi
    Remi almost 2 years

    I am new to the programming world so what I say may seem silly.

    I am trying to run a spring-boot test as JUnit under Eclipse but I just can't figure out how to use the spring-boot annotations... I have read several guides and browsed this website but didn't find anything that resolved my problem.

    I am trying to run the JUnit test-class below :

    @ContextConfiguration(classes={CBusiness.class,CService.class,CDao.class}, loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
    public class CalculTest {
        CBusiness business;
        public void testCalcul() throws TechnicalException {
            Object object= new Object();
            object.setNombrePlacesMaximum(new BigInteger("50"));
            Long result=business.calcul(object);

    Running this as a JUnit test gives me the following exception :

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext 
    Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'cDao': Injection of persistence dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory' available 

    The EntityManager parameter from the CDao class has the annotation @PersistenceContext, I thought this meant it was automatically generated by Hibernate but apparently it isn't... How can I instanciate the EntityManager using only java code? I don't have any .xml or .properties file...

    FYI here are the classes called by the test :

    Business Layer :

    public class CBusiness {
        CService cService;
    public long calcul(Object object) throws TechnicalException {
    //Code (calls a method from CService class)

    Service layer :

    public class CService {
        CDao cDao;

    Dao Layer

    @Transactional(rollbackFor = {TechnicalException.class})
    public class CDao {
        EntityManager entityManager;

    I tried testing the method inside a webservice using only the @autowire annotation on the Business layer and if worked fine, however I just cannot instanciate it in the JUnit tests. I tried several ways of running this test and I am not sure this is the right way of doing it, so I'm open to any suggestion.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Remi
    Remi almost 7 years
    This looks really complicated for my basic level of programming. Nevertheless I tried it, but I have no idea of what my driverClassName is and therefore I have a "cannot instantiate Bean DataSource" exception". Isn't there a way to let Hibernate create the EntityManagerFactory and not doing it myself? Once again my methods work just fine if I test it elsewhere than in a JUnit spring-boot test...
  • Binu
    Binu almost 7 years
  • M. Deinum
    M. Deinum almost 7 years
    With spring boot you don't need this. Spring Boot does that for you out-of-the-box.