Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask-cask instead


Solution 1

You don't need to install cask anymore, you just need homebrew. Try using any cask command

Solution 2

tap from homebrew instead of caskroom:

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts

Solution 3

//this code error:

brew tap caskroom/fonts
Error: caskroom/fonts was moved.

//the correct code.

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew cask install font-fira-code
brew install --cask font-fira-code (the new working way)

Solution 4

OK, I understand, just type in brew cask, and wait...

MyMacBook-Pro:homebrew-core adam$ brew cask
==> Tapping homebrew/cask
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3581, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3581/3581), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3573/3573), done.
remote: Total 3581 (delta 23), reused 578 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3581/3581), 1.19 MiB | 18.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (23/23), done.
Tapped 1 command and 3470 casks (3,586 files, 3.9MB).
Homebrew Cask provides a friendly CLI workflow for the administration
of macOS applications distributed as binaries.


    --cache    display the file used to cache the Cask
    audit      verifies installability of Casks
    cat        dump raw source of the given Cask to the standard output
    create     creates the given Cask and opens it in an editor
    doctor     checks for configuration issues
    edit       edits the given Cask
    fetch      downloads remote application files to local cache
    home       opens the homepage of the given Cask
    info       displays information about the given Cask
    install    installs the given Cask
    list       with no args, lists installed Casks; given installed Casks, lists staged files
    outdated   list the outdated installed Casks
    reinstall  reinstalls the given Cask
    style      checks Cask style using RuboCop
    uninstall  uninstalls the given Cask
    upgrade    upgrades all outdated casks
    zap        zaps all files associated with the given Cask

See also "man brew-cask"
Paul T.
Author by

Paul T.

Over 9 years of experience in iOS development Over 13 years of experience in programming engineering

Updated on November 23, 2021


  • Paul T.
    Paul T. over 2 years

    I try to go through installation process Github on MacOs Catalina

    The first step is to execute in Terminal:

    cd ~/
    curl -s | bash

    But I get Error:

    Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask-cask instead.

    Then I tried:

    brew tap caskroom/cask

    But I got the same error. Do you have any suggestions?

  • Paul T.
    Paul T. over 4 years
    I tried entering "cask" in terminal. And the error is "-bash: cask: command not found"
  • Paul T.
    Paul T. over 4 years
    I think I understand. when I wrote brew cask , it gave me options
  • Andrew.T
    Andrew.T over 4 years
    It's error about file path. It's better that just follow hint Tap homebrew/cask-cask instead.
  • rize
    rize over 4 years
    Just install gimp using brew cask install gimp rather than brew tap caskroom/cask && brew cask install gimp. Thanks!
  • stegnerd
    stegnerd over 3 years
    The second line of correct code didn't work for me. The first line did but the second line should be updated to brew install font-fira-code
  • Ian Steffy
    Ian Steffy almost 3 years
    @rize the issue is that the 'brew cask' command does not work. Jurgen is correct: 'brew install --cask [name]' is how it is written now