Error InvalidParameterType: Expected params.Item['pid'] to be a structure in DynamoDB


The putItem() method on the AWS.DynamoDB class is expecting the params.Item object to be formatted as a AttributeValue representation. That means you would have to change this:

params = {
  TableName: 'TABLE-NAME',
  Item: {
    pid: 'abc123'

Into this:

params = {
  TableName: 'TABLE-NAME',
  Item: {
    pid: {
      S: 'abc123'

If you want to use native javascript objects you should use the AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient class, that automatically marshals Javascript types onto DynamoDB AttributeValues like this:

  • String -> S
  • Number -> N
  • Boolean -> BOOL
  • null -> NULL
  • Array -> L
  • Object -> M
  • Buffer, File, Blob, ArrayBuffer, DataView, and JavaScript typed arrays -> B

It provides a put() method, that delegates to AWS.DynamoDB.putItem().

Author by


Updated on July 07, 2020


  • rohithpr
    rohithpr almost 4 years

    Note: all these are happening on the local instance of DynamoDB.

    This is the code that I've used to create a table from the DynamoDB Shell:

    var params = {
        TableName: "TABLE-NAME",
        KeySchema: [
            { AttributeName: "pid", 
              KeyType: "HASH"
        AttributeDefinitions: [
            { AttributeName: "pid",
              AttributeType: "S"
        ProvisionedThroughput: {
            ReadCapacityUnits: 1,
            WriteCapacityUnits: 1
    dynamodb.createTable(params, function(err, data) {
        if (err)
            console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
            console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

    This is the function that is being called to add elements into the DB (in node.js):

    function(request, response) {
      params = {
        TableName: 'TABLE-NAME',
        Item: {
          pid: 'abc123'
      dynamodb.putItem(params, function(err, data) {
        if (err)
          console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
          console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

    The output that I get is:

    { TableName: 'TABLE-NAME',
      Item: { pid: 'abc123' } }   // THIS IS PARAMS
      "message": "There were 7 validation errors:\n* InvalidParameterType: Expected params.Item['pid'] to be a structure\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key '0' found in params.Item['pid']\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key '1' found in params.Item['pid']\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key '2' found in params.Item['pid']\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key '3' found in params.Item['pid']\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key '4' found in params.Item['pid']\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key '5' found in params.Item['pid']",
      "code": "MultipleValidationErrors",
      "errors": [
          "message": "Expected params.Item['pid'] to be a structure",
          "code": "InvalidParameterType",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.932Z"
          "message": "Unexpected key '0' found in params.Item['pid']",
          "code": "UnexpectedParameter",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.933Z"
          "message": "Unexpected key '1' found in params.Item['pid']",
          "code": "UnexpectedParameter",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.933Z"
          "message": "Unexpected key '2' found in params.Item['pid']",
          "code": "UnexpectedParameter",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.933Z"
          "message": "Unexpected key '3' found in params.Item['pid']",
          "code": "UnexpectedParameter",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.933Z"
          "message": "Unexpected key '4' found in params.Item['pid']",
          "code": "UnexpectedParameter",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.934Z"
          "message": "Unexpected key '5' found in params.Item['pid']",
          "code": "UnexpectedParameter",
          "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.934Z"
      "time": "2015-11-26T15:51:33.944Z"

    I don't understand why or how it is getting keys 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 when they aren't present on being printed in the previous line.

    Also, how do I fix the error Expected params.Item['pid'] to be a structure? I have declared it as a string and am trying to store a string!

    Other notes: The same code that I've used in the function works just fine when I run it on the shell. I have also included the aws-sdk and have configured it as required:

    var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
    AWS.config.region = 'us-east-1';
    AWS.config.endpoint = 'http://localhost:8000/'
    var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
  • Bobby Adams
    Bobby Adams over 6 years
    put not documented at‌​l and when I try to use it, I get an error: "TypeError: dynamodb.put is not a function".
  • Saras Arya
    Saras Arya almost 6 years
    put is a function not of Dynamo DB but for Dynamo's Document Client which by documentation is The document client abstraction makes it easier to read and write data to Amazon DynamoDB with the AWS SDK for JavaScript. . check it out here