Error: Uncaught (in promise): [object Object]


Solution 1

Try adding

if(error.message == 'Something went wrong'){

instead of only error. As error is an object.

Solution 2

is necesary your check the response in yours promise...

you have to capture resolve and reject...

generally this happens because the value of reject not is capture

for example


promise= () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (condition) {

And here capture ALL posible response in promise..
    (data) => {
       here capture your resolve
    (err) => {
       here capture your resolve

   .then((res) => {
       console.log('response in resolve = ', )});
    ).catch((err)=> {
      console.log('response in reject = ', err)
Author by


Being curious for coding, as a Full-stack developer I learn and earn the knowledge which is provided over open-source platforms. Being updated to latest Technology and trends in the market I develop those skills and try to apply them. Looking for the best career in coding, I am trying to inculcate the ability to become a successful developer with a step by step process.

Updated on July 24, 2022


  • Aditya
    Aditya almost 2 years
    class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
      handleError(error) {
        // exception occured in some service class method.
        console.log('Error in MyErrorhandler - %s', error);
          if(error == 'Something went wrong'){
           //do this.
          //do this thing.

    When in some class' method throws an exception then, the MyErrorHandler class prints the error caught as Error in MyErrorhandler - Error: Uncaught (in promise): [object Object] Error: Something went wrong.

    Question1: Why does the error displays as Error: Uncaught (in promise): [object Object]?

    Question2: Due to the above message it will always read the else part even in the case of if(error == 'Something went wrong')of the code in any condition.How can I resolve this?