Error updating emacs packages: Failed to download 'gnu' archive


Solution 1

Looks like a bug in your version of Emacs. You can probably circumvent it by setting package-check-signature to nil.

Solution 2

This is not an error caused by misconfiguration but is due to the change of the file package-keyring.gpg from Emacs 26.3. As stated from the release note:

New GPG key for GNU ELPA package signature checking.

I believe the newer packages from GNU ELPA repository are signed for this new keyring to check.

The simple way to fix it is to upgrade to Emacs 26.3.

But if you were like me, who don't bother to upgrade, you can download the package-keyring.gpg file from here and put it in the etc/ directory under your Emacs installation location. In my case, it is /usr/local/share/emacs/26.1/etc/package-keyring.gpg. It might be different locations for different installation methods (apt, yum, etc.) on various platforms (macOS, Windows, etc.).

Alternatively, you can try to install the package gnu-elpa-keyring-update to automatically update the keyring in the future.

Solution 3

For anyone else that doesn't have the signature problem, try to initialise package

M-x package-initialize

Solution 4

My issue was that I was missing gpg (gnupg).

On OSX I solved this by using brew install gpg.

Author by


hacking away in the Bay

Updated on October 05, 2020


  • yayitswei
    yayitswei over 3 years

    My init.el uses this to initialize packages:

    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . ""))
    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))
    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . ""))

    When I do M-x package-refresh-contents I get the following error: Failed to download `gnu' archive.

    M-x toggle-debug-on-error gives me this stacktrace:

    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Failed to verify signature archive-contents.sig: (\"No public key for 474F05837FBDEF9B created at 2014-09-29T07:20:03-0700 using DSA\")")
      signal(error ("Failed to verify signature archive-contents.sig: (\"No public key for 474F05837FBDEF9B created at 2014-09-29T07:20:03-0700 using DSA\")"))
      error("Failed to verify signature %s: %S" "archive-contents.sig" ("No public key for 474F05837FBDEF9B created at 2014-09-29T07:20:03-0700 using DSA"))
      package--check-signature("" "archive-contents")
      package--download-one-archive(("gnu" . "") "archive-contents")

    Is this a problem with my configuration, and how would I fix it?

  • yayitswei
    yayitswei over 9 years
    I'm on Version 24.3.50 (9.0). Would upgrading Emacs help? Is there a newer downloadable build for Mac OS X?
  • Stefan
    Stefan over 9 years
    24.3.50 means "some snapshot of the code during the development of 24.4". We moved on to 24.3.90 around april, so your snapshot is ancient by now (a snapshot older than a month is already "old") and deserves to be retired.
  • yayitswei
    yayitswei over 9 years
    On 24.3.93 and it works great now, thank you! No more scary red "UNSIGNED" tags in the package list.
  • alvaropg
    alvaropg over 9 years
    Here same problem with emacs-24.4 in Fedora 21
  • Stefan
    Stefan over 9 years
    The code should work just fine without gpg (it will just skip checking the signatures), so this is still a problem that needs to be solved. If you can reproduce it, please M-x report-emacs-bug providing as many details as you can.
  • DomQ
    DomQ over 9 years
    Bug is #19409 (‌​tml); if I understand correctly ELPA has been broken since September, 2014 (at least) because some joker signed a package with a key that they didn't publish... And nobody seems to care.
  • xhh
    xhh about 9 years
    had the same issue and fixed it by upgrading emacs - used emacs 24.3 before, upgraded to (emacs 24.5.1 for now) and the issue is gone
  • sds
    sds over 8 years
    this is a problem with elpa, not with emacs
  • xdavidliu
    xdavidliu almost 5 years
    this was the only solution to my problem; not installing gnutls, gnupg, changing https to http, or adding a / after packages
  • kdb
    kdb over 4 years
    Do you by any chance know a solution that works without root privileges?
  • Lei Zhao
    Lei Zhao over 4 years
    Of course, you can install gnu-epla-keyring-update or follow the instructions from the README of that package. But I believe that the effective directory is on ~/.emacs.d/elpa/gnupg.
  • jaromrax
    jaromrax almost 4 years
    failed to download melpa, failed to download gnu
  • charliesneath
    charliesneath over 3 years
    This helped. Does anyone one know what causes the state that is fixed by initializing packages?
  • Draif Kroneg
    Draif Kroneg almost 3 years
    I am on Emacs 26.3 and I still get this error.