Error using appcmd to add ssl binding


Solution 1

Try this:

appcmd set site "My site name" /bindings:""

But your command is correct as well. List all websites and make sure you are using one of them:

appcmd list site

Solution 2

If you're using PowerShell, you have to surround the bindings parameter with double quotes so that PowerShell doesn't interpret the single quotes before the command is sent to appcmd.

./appcmd set site / contoso /+"bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:']"


Author by


In my professional life, i'm a front-end / Outsystems developer. I started out as a Java Programmer, but after 4-5 years my focus changed to web / mobile development. I am a very allround programmer with a lot of experience on wide arrange of environments. In my private life, i'm a enthusiastic photographer and Lego Builder. My focus is on detail, both in subject as in result. Music is a big part of my life. I play piano, keyboard, guitar and I just started with Ukelele.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Goldhorn
    Goldhorn about 2 years

    I want to add a binding to a site using appcmd. But when I try the following command I get an error:

    appcmd set site /"My site name" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*'] 

    The error:

    ERROR ( message:Cannot find SITE object with identifier "bindingInformation='*']". )

    I checked if the site exists and it does. What am I doing wrong?