Excel: Compare 4 columns of data


Use Conditional Formatting

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  1. Select your entire data (not including your headers)
  2. Click on Conditional Formatting on the Home ribbon
  3. New Rule > Use a formula to determine which cells
  4. Enter =$A2&$B2=$C2&$D2 as the formula
  5. Choose the desired format for matching records (row highlights are under the 'Fill' tab)
  6. Click OK

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Amanda Mitcham
Author by

Amanda Mitcham

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Amanda Mitcham
    Amanda Mitcham over 1 year

    I have a file that I need to compare 4 columns of data. The data is clients' names pulled from two different systems. How do I get excel to only highlight those rows where First Name 1 matches First Name 2 AND Last Name 1 matches Last Name 2?