Excel VBA multiple error handling in the same procedure


Having two or more error-handling subroutines in a procedure is definitely a design smell; that's not how VBA error-handling works.

Basically you have this:

Sub Foo()
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler1

    '(error handling code)

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler2

    '(error handling code)

End Sub

When an error occurs in the first block, VBA jumps to ErrHandler1 and still thinks it's in an error-handling subroutine when it gets to the 2nd block.

You need to Resume somewhere, to tell VBA "I've handled everything I had to handle".

So instead of "falling-through" into the NoError1 subroutine, your ErrorHandler1 subroutine should end with a Resume jump:

Resume NoError1

And the ErrorHandler2 should also end with a Resume jump:

Resume NoError2

That way VBA knows it's out of "error handling mode" and back into "normal execution".

But I'd strongly recommend considering separate methods/procedures instead of labelled subroutines.

Author by


Updated on July 01, 2022


  • David
    David almost 2 years

    I have previously used error handling in VBA successfully, but when trying to use several error handling blocks I can't figure out how to do it.

    The code I've written looks like this:

      On Error GoTo ErrorHandler1
      shpArrow1.Left = shpLine.Left + shpLine.Width * Min(Sqr(Calculations.Range("cVolProduct").value / Calculations.Range("cVolRefIndices").value), 2) / 2 - shpArrow1.Width / 2
      shpTag1.Left = shpLine.Left + shpLine.Width * Min(Sqr(Calculations.Range("cVolProduct").value / Calculations.Range("cVolRefIndices").value), 2) / 2 - shpTag1.Width / 2
      shpArrow2.Left = shpLine.Left + shpLine.Width * Min(Sqr(Calculations.Range("cVolUnderlyings").value / Calculations.Range("cVolRefIndices").value), 2) / 2 - shpArrow2.Width / 2
      shpTag2.Left = shpLine.Left + shpLine.Width * Min(Sqr(Calculations.Range("cVolUnderlyings").value / Calculations.Range("cVolRefIndices").value), 2) / 2 - shpTag2.Width / 2
      shpIndexLine.Left = shpLine.Left + shpLine.Width / 2 - shpIndexLine.Width / 2
      GoTo NoError1
      shpArrow1.Left = shpLine.Left - shpArrow1.Width / 2
      shpTag1.Left = shpLine.Left - shpTag1.Width / 2
      shpArrow2.Left = shpLine.Left - shpArrow2.Width / 2
      shpTag2.Left = shpLine.Left - shpTag2.Width / 2
      shpIndexLine.Left = shpLine.Left + shpLine.Width / 2 - shpIndexLine.Width / 2
      errorRelativeRisk = 1
      On Error GoTo 0
      On Error GoTo ErrorHandler2
      ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).CrossesAt = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale
      ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).CrossesAt = ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale
      GoTo NoError2
      errorHistUnderl = 1
      On Error GoTo 0

    The second error handling block does not work. I'm guessing that I don't quit the first error handling block correctly. Have tried to find an answer that works for me but without success.

    Greatful for any help!