Exception 'The AMQP operation was interrupted' (code=406) occurs in .NET Client programming


You typically get that error message when you re-declare an existing queue with different parameters. Check in the management console to see if the queue already exists. If it does, try deleting it and then re-running your code.

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Updated on August 04, 2022


  • user1985899
    user1985899 almost 2 years

    I have a 2.8.2 RabbitMQ Server and a 2.8.2 client dll, have the code to declare a queue and get a message, it works correctly (all parameters are correct):

    IModel channel=null;
    ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory ();
    factory.HostName = "";
    _QueueName = "";
    factory.UserName = "guest";
    factory.Password = "guest";
    factory.VirtualHost = "/";
    factory.RequestedHeartbeat = 30;
    if (factory.Endpoint == null) {
        Console.WriteLine (" factory.Endpoint==null ");
    // 接受消息的队列名称是本地的IP地址
    _QueueName = "";
    _RMQConnection = factory.CreateConnection ();
    Console.WriteLine ("factory.CreateConnection()");
    channel = _RMQConnection.CreateModel ();
    channel.QueueDeclare(_QueueName, false, false,false,null);

    But when I download 3.0.1 RabbitMQ Server and a 3.0.1 client dll, I use the same code and have the exception:

    The AMQP operation was interrupted: AMQP close-reason, initiated by Peer, code=406, text="PRECONDITION_FAILED - parameters for queue '' in vhost '/' not equivalent", classId=50, methodId=10, cause=

  • Jeremy Thompson
    Jeremy Thompson about 2 years
    We had to delete a bunch of Queues so if deleting the first one doesn't work and you get a similar error check whether its another Queue.