Explode string into array with no empty elements?


Solution 1

Try preg_split.

$exploded = preg_split('@/@', '1/2//3/', NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

Solution 2

array_filter will remove the blank fields, here is an example without the filter:

print_r(explode('/', '1/2//3/'))


    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] =>
    [3] => 3
    [4] =>

With the filter:

php> print_r(array_filter(explode('/', '1/2//3/')))


    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [3] => 3

You'll get all values that resolve to "false" filtered out.

see http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.array-filter.php

Solution 3

Just for variety:

array_diff(explode('/', '1/2//3/'), array(''))

This also works, but does mess up the array indexes unlike preg_split. Some people might like it better than having to declare a callback function to use array_filter.

Solution 4

function not_empty_string($s) {
  return $s !== "";

array_filter(explode('/', '1/2//3/'), 'not_empty_string');

Solution 5

Here is a solution that should output a newly indexed array.

$result = array_deflate( explode( $delim, $array) );

function array_deflate( $arr, $emptyval='' ){
    for($i=0,$L=count($arr); $i<$L; ++$i)
        if($arr[$i] !== $emptyval) $ret[]=$arr[$i];
    return $ret;

While fairly similar to some other suggestion, this implementation has the benefit of generic use. For arrays with non-string elements, provide a typed empty value as the second argument.

array_deflate( $objArray, new stdClass() );

array_deflate( $databaseArray, NULL );

array_deflate( $intArray, NULL );

array_deflate( $arrayArray, [] );

array_deflate( $assocArrayArray, [''=>NULL] );

array_deflate( $processedArray, new Exception('processing error') );




With an optional filter argument..

function array_deflate( $arr, $trigger='', $filter=NULL, $compare=NULL){
    if ($filter === NULL) $filter = function($el) { return $el; };
    if ($compare === NULL) $compare = function($a,$b) { return $a===$b; };

    for($i=0,$L=count($arr); $i<$L; ++$i)
        if( !$compare(arr[$i],$trigger) ) $ret[]=$arr[$i];
        else $filter($arr[$i]);
    return $ret;

With usage..

function targetHandler($t){ /* .... */ }    
array_deflate( $haystack, $needle, targetHandler );

Turning array_deflate into a way of processing choice elements and removing them from your array. Also nicer is to turn the if statement into a comparison function that is also passed as an argument in case you get fancy.

array_inflate being the reverse, would take an extra array as the first parameter which matches are pushed to while non-matches are filtered.

function array_inflate($dest,$src,$trigger='', $filter=NULL, $compare=NULL){
    if ($filter === NULL) $filter = function($el) { return $el; };
    if ($compare === NULL) $compare = function($a,$b) { return $a===$b; };

    for($i=0,$L=count($src); $i<$L; ++$i)
        if( $compare(src[$i],$trigger) ) $dest[]=$src[$i];
        else $filter($src[$i]);
    return $dest;

With usage..

$smartppl=array_inflate( $smartppl,

function isSmart($a,$threshold){
    if( isset($a->intellgence) )    //has intelligence?
        if( isset($threshold->intellgence) )    //has intelligence?
            if( $a->intelligence >= $threshold->intelligence )
                return true;
            else return INVALID_THRESHOLD; //error
        else return INVALID_TARGET; //error
    return false;

function cureStupid($person){
    $dangerous_chemical = selectNeurosteroid();
    applyNeurosteroid($person, $dangerous_chemical);

    if( isSmart($person,(object)['intelligence'=>110]) ) 
        return $person;

    return $person;

Thus providing an ideal algorithm for the world's educational problems. Aaand I'll stop there before I tweak this into something else..

Glenn Moss
Author by

Glenn Moss

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Glenn Moss
    Glenn Moss almost 2 years

    PHP's explode function returns an array of strings split on some provided substring. It will return empty strings when there are leading, trailing, or consecutive delimiters, like this:

    var_dump(explode('/', '1/2//3/'));
    array(5) {
      string(1) "1"
      string(1) "2"
      string(0) ""
      string(1) "3"
      string(0) ""

    Is there some different function or option or anything that would return everything except the empty strings?

    var_dump(different_explode('/', '1/2//3/'));
    array(3) {
      string(1) "1"
      string(1) "2"
      string(1) "3"