ext4 partition size / free space discrepancies


Solution 1

There are a few things going on here. gparted reports the actual used/free space. The kernel reduces the available count by the reserved space. After you removed the reserved space, the free count did not change because the reserved blocks already were free; it is just that non root users are not allowed to invade that space to prevent them from causing trouble by filling up the disk. The gnome numbers are a little flaky because of a bug. Instead of reporting the used space that the kernel reports ( and df shows ), it computes it by subtracting the free space from the total. This causes it to show reserved space as used.

The missing 4GB is actually used is the fs overhead for ext4. NTFS only initially allocates a small amount of space for the MFT, and grows it as needed. The ext series of filesystems though, allocate space for the inode table ( rough equivalent of the MFT ) at format time and it can not grow. The space missing from the reported total space is the inode table. The remaining bit of used space is from the journal ( usually 128 mb ) and resize inodes.

Solution 2

First of all, reserved blocks are not block used for filesystem internal management.

Reserved blocks are simply reserved for root, as to assure that services using files on that partition cannot be ruled out of space by some non-admin user filling all the space.

Even with no reserved blocks (-m 0) there is always a part of the space used for filesystem internal management, I cannot say how much, I have not such a deep knowledge.

Also, Gparted is executed as root, so it see reserved blocks as free. Nautilus, executed as user, see them as non free.

Ok, @psusi answer is very clear, I have nothing to add.

Solution 3

After partitioning my brand new 8 TB disk with gparted, it reported:

  Size: 7.28 TiB
  Used: 59.76 GiB   <-- Huh?
Unused: 7.22 TiB

Which is why I ended up here. Now let the investigation begin.

Running sudo fdisk /dev/sdc (where /dev/sdc is my new disk) reveals:

Disk /dev/sdc: 7,3 TiB, 8001563222016 bytes, 15628053168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt

Note that 15628053168 * 512 = 8001563222016.

From now on lets work in number of SECTORS (which are 512 bytes) and work exclusively with hexadecimal notation. This gives us,

fdisk (real values)
Disk size: 3a3812ab0

Furthermore, fdisk gives us the partition table:

Device     Start         End     Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sdc1   2048 15628052479 15628050432  7,3T Linux filesystem

Lets translate that into hex too (it already is in sectors):

/dev/sdc1    800   3a38127ff   3a3812000  7.277378082275390625 TiB

(That TiB value is exact; but in decimal. It shows why 7.3 was printed).

The first 0x800 sectors are reserved for the Master Boot Record (MBR) and the partition table (type gpt, since it was created by gparted and I choose to use that type there).

The End sector is inclusive, so indeed

3a38127ff + 1 - 800 = 3a3812000

But why was this chosen? Well, because gparted rounded everything off to 1 MiB boundaries (it said), which happens to be 0x800 sectors (1024 * 1024 / 512 in hex).

Nevertheless, why didn't it pick 3a3812fff as last sector? Well, because that doesn't exist, the total disk size is 3a3812ab0 as we saw before.

Ok, so we need a little space at the start for MBR and parition table, but only want to start and end partitions at 0x800 boundaries, therefore the first sector is 800 and the last one is 3a38127ff. Leading to a total partition size of 3a3812000 sectors, or 7.28 TiB as reported by gparted (8001561821184 bytes in decimal).

The type of the filesystem on it is ext4.

Lets start with mounting it, and lets now work in sectors in DECIMAL:

sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/newdisk
df -B512 | grep sdc1
/dev/sdc1 15502817864 102728 14721279848  1% /mnt/newdisk

So df reports, in sectors and in hex:

df Size: 15502817864 sectors (= 7937442746368 bytes = 7.219... TiB).
df Used: 102728 sectors (= 52596736 bytes = 50.16 MiB).
df Available: 14721279848 sectors (= 7537295282176 bytes = 6.855... TiB).

Hence, the reported size is 8001561821184 - 7937442746368 = 64119074816 = 59.716 GiB less than the partition size reported by fdisk!

Ok, so how does ext4 work?

We can quickly get a lot of information running

sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdc1

The most important output being

Inode count:              244191232
Block count:              1953506304
Reserved block count:     97675315
Free blocks:              1937839392
Free inodes:              244191221
First block:              0
Block size:               4096
Fragment size:            4096
Reserved GDT blocks:      558
Blocks per group:         32768
Fragments per group:      32768
Inodes per group:         4096
Inode blocks per group:   256
Flex block group size:    16
First inode:              11
Inode size:               256
Required extra isize:     32
Desired extra isize:      32
Journal size:             1024M
Journal length:           262144

Note that the Block count shows the full partition size. One block being 4096 bytes, we have 1953506304 * 4096 = 8001561821184.

So clearly we're looking for blocks that are not available to us. Going with what df reports as Available (7537295282176 / 4096 = 1840159981 blocks available), that are 113346323 blocks that are not available.

The journal exists of 262144 blocks, so... 113346323 - 262144 = 113084179 blocks to go.

We have 558 reserved GDT blocks... 113083621 block to go.

The number of "groups" on the fs is 'total number of inodes' / 'inodes per group' = 244191232 / 4096 = 59617.

The inodes being 256 bytes in size account for 244191232 * 256 / 4096 = 15261952 blocks, so 113083621 - 15261952 = 97821669 blocks to go.

We're out of options here, apparently the Reserved block count isn't available either, which is 97675315 .. so that leaves 97821669 - 97675315 = 146354 blocks that are unavailable that we didn't explain yet. That is still 571.7 MiB, or ~2.455 blocks per group, but not THAT much compared to the 59.76 GiB that we had to explain.

Running the following command:

cat /proc/fs/ext4/sdc1/mb_groups | sed -e 's/^#.*://' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | sed -e 's/^\(..............\).*/\1/' | grep -v free

We get the number (first column) of groups that have N blocks free (second column):

  55860  32768
   3724  28640
     22  31743
      8  0    
      1  8958 
      1  28639
      1  27609

Clearly the maximum of free blocks per group is 32768 (most of them), which is also what dumpe2fs reported (Blocks per group).

So, let me convert this table to 'Used' in bytes by subtracting the second column from 32768 and multiplying that with 4096 bytes. Then I get

   3724  16908288
     22  4198400
      8  134217728
      1  97525760
      1  16912384
      1  21131264

and 3724 * 16908288 + 22 * 4198400 + 8 * 134217728 + 97525760 + 16912384 + 21131264 = 64268140544 or 59.85 GiB.


Unavailable blocks      Reason
97675315                Reserved block count (5%)
15261952                inodes (0.78%)
262144                  journal (0.013%)
146354                  Unexplained (0.007%)
558                     Reserved GDT blocks (0%)

Lets start with changing the reserved block count to 0, because this HDD is for long term storage and I really don't care what happens if it runs full (I do, but my system will still function perfectly).

sudo umount /dev/sdc1
sudo tune2fs -r 0 /dev/sdc1

dumpe2fs now reports:

Reserved block count:     0

but more importantly,

df -B512 | grep sdc1
/dev/sdc1 15502817864 102728 15502682368   1% /mnt/newdisk


df Available: 15502682368 sectors (= 7937373372416 bytes = 7.22... TiB)!

We can also reduce the number of inodes, but that is only smart if you are sure that you won't need them; for example when you will only store large files on the disk. The number of inodes is roughly the number of files + directories you can store on the disk. So, having 244191232 will allow me to store files with an average size of 32kB (32504 bytes) on this disk. Instead I intent to store mostly files on it of a size of roughly 1 to 2 GB... So yeah, I think I can safely reduce the number of inodes by say a factor 10.

So, I decided to reformat my partition (screw gparted, all I needed was a partition table, not a filesystem):

sudo mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -e remount-ro -i 325040 -j -L '/opt/verylarge' -m 0 -t ext4 -T big -U 48c6a937-aea3-42a0-a69c-c24d0dc65179

After which I ended up with

Inode count:              24800672
Block count:              1953506304
Reserved block count:     0
Free blocks:              1951529866
Free inodes:              24800661
First block:              0
Block size:               4096
Fragment size:            4096
Group descriptor size:    64
Reserved GDT blocks:      1024
Blocks per group:         32768
Fragments per group:      32768
Inodes per group:         416
Inode blocks per group:   26
Flex block group size:    16
First inode:              11
Inode size:               256
Required extra isize:     32
Desired extra isize:      32
Journal size:             1024M
Journal length:           262144

df -H
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1   8,0T   97M  8,0T   1% /mnt/newdisk

I have NO idea where that 1% comes from, but I'm happy with my 8,0 TB :)

Solution 4

Try reducing the partition size by a few megabytes using gparted, then increasing it again to its original size. This may cause other applications to read the sizes correctly. I recently corrected a 50Gb error this way!


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • MestreLion
    MestreLion almost 2 years

    While creating a 250GiB backup partition for my data, I have noticed lots of discrepancies between reported partition size and free space in Nautilus, gParted, df, tune2fs, etc.

    At first I thought it was a GiB / GB confusion. It was not.

    Then I thought it could be ext4's reserved blocks. It was not.

    Im completely puzzled. Here are some images. Here are the steps:

    • First, NTFS. 524288000 sectors x 512 bytes/sector = 268435456000 bytes = 268.4 GB = 250 GiB.

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Nautilus say "Total Capacity: 250.0 GB" (even though its actually GiB, not GB). Apart from that minor mislabeling, so far, so good

    • Now, same partition, formated as ext4 with gparted:

    enter image description here

    First, Last and Total sectors are the same. It IS the same 250GiB partition. Used size is 4.11GiB (reserved blocks maybe?)

    enter image description here

    Nope. Looks like reserved blocks are 12.7 GiB (~5%. ouch!). But... why Total Capacity is now only 246.1 GiB ???. That difference (sort of) matches the 4.11 GiB reported by gparted. But... if its not from reserved blocks, what is it? And why gparted didnt report that 12.7GiB of used space?

    $ df -h /dev/sda5
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda5             247G  188M  234G   1% /media/BACKUP

    df matches Nautilus in reported free space. But.. only 188M used? Shouldnt it be ~12GB? And total capacity is still wrong. So i ran tune2fs to find some clues. (irrelevant output is ommited)

    $ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda5
    tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
    Filesystem volume name:   BACKUP
    Filesystem UUID:          613d592e-47f5-4206-96a7-210090d340ef
    Filesystem features:      has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype extent flex_bg sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
    Filesystem flags:         signed_directory_hash 
    Filesystem state:         clean
    Filesystem OS type:       Linux
    Block count:              65536000
    Reserved block count:     3276800
    Free blocks:              64459851
    First block:              0
    Block size:               4096

    65536000 total blocks * 4096 bytes/block = 268435456000 bytes = 268.4 GB = 250 GiB. It matches gparted.

    3276800 reserved blocks = 13421772800 bytes = 13.4 GB = 12.5 GiB. It (again, sort of) matches Nautilus.

    64459851 free blocks = 264027549696 bytes = 264.0 GB = 245.9 GiB. Why? Shouldnt it be either 250-12.5 = 237.5 (or 250-(12.5+4.11)=~233) ?

    Removing reserved blocks:

    $ sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda5
    tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
    Setting reserved blocks percentage to 0% (0 blocks)
    $ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda5
    tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
    Filesystem volume name:   BACKUP
    Filesystem UUID:          613d592e-47f5-4206-96a7-210090d340ef
    Filesystem features:      has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype extent flex_bg sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
    Filesystem flags:         signed_directory_hash 
    Filesystem state:         clean
    Filesystem OS type:       Linux
    Block count:              65536000
    Reserved block count:     0
    Free blocks:              64459851
    Block size:               4096

    As expected, same block count, 0 reserved blocks, but... same free blocks? Didnt I just freed 12.5 GiB ?

    $ df -h /dev/sda5
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda5             247G  188M  246G   1% /media/BACKUP

    enter image description here

    Looks like I did. Avaliable space went up from 233 to 245.9 GiB. gparted didnt care at all, showing exactly same info! (useless to post an identical screenshot)

    What a huge mess!

    I tried to document it as best as I could... So, please can someone give me any clue on what's going on here?

    • What are those misterious 4.11 GiB missing from NTFS -> ext4 formatting?
    • Why there are so many discrepancies between gparted, Nautilus, tune2fs, df?
    • What is wrong with my math? (questions in bold scattered this post)

    Any help is appreciated. While I can not figure what is going on, I am serilously considering giving up on ext4 in favor of NTFS for everything but my / partition.


  • MestreLion
    MestreLion about 13 years
    Humm, very informative, +1. At least this solves some of the issues I've found. Seeing reserved blocks as a "limit cap" for non-root instead of "used blocks" makes gparted, df and tune2fs readings agree (and make sense). But some questions still remain, specially the 4GB of used space / total capacity.
  • MestreLion
    MestreLion about 13 years
    Thanks, +1 for solving some of the mysteries! But, if the ~4GB are filesystem overhead, why some of it (3.9GB) is deducted from total space, while 188MB is showing as actually used? Which (or both) is the overhead? And why handled differently? Also, df, even with sudo, shows total capacity (247GB) and used space (188MB) like Nautilus. So if its a bug, its not only gnome's.
  • MestreLion
    MestreLion about 13 years
    I thought the 188MB was the overhead (as compared to the 72MB from NTFS). But, if NTFS overhead will grow after time, does that mean Nautilus would later report it's total capacity shrinking?
  • Marius Gedminas
    Marius Gedminas about 13 years
    Correction: df always shows available space, no matter who runs it. To see the free space (== available space + reserved space), use stat -f /media/BACKUP.
  • Marius Gedminas
    Marius Gedminas about 13 years
    Also, I've read somewhere (one of those old "why you don't need to defrag your Linux partition every month" HOWTOs perhaps?) that reserving 5% space for root gives some breathing space to the extN allocation algorithms and therefore avoids fragmentation.
  • MestreLion
    MestreLion about 13 years
    @psusi: so I have ~3.9GiB of inode table, and ~188MB of journal+something? And Nautilus subtract inode table from Total Size, while reports journal as used space? And gparted reports them as a single 4.11GiB of used space? Is that correct? If so, i just wished Nautilus handled both overhead the same way.. either both subtracted from total or both counted as "used space" (preferably).
  • psusi
    psusi about 13 years
    @MestreLion roughly, yes. It is actually the kernel that does not count the inode table as part of the total size, not nautilus. Nautilus just reports what the kernel says.
  • MestreLion
    MestreLion about 4 years
    What a comprehensive answer, thanks! If almost all of the originally "used" space was due to the 5% reserved space, and the overall filesystem overhead itself is merely less than 0.8% initially, I'm fine with letting the default settings alone. The reserved space is a good "safety net" for the general user, and it's usable by root, so it should not be changed unless one really knows what they're doing.
  • Carlo Wood
    Carlo Wood about 4 years
    Yes, thanks. I could have saved a lot of time if there weren't so many people saying contradicting things about "reserved" space being free, only being reserved for root, and therefore NOT showing up, etc. I even read about someone who didn't see a change after using tune2fs to remove the resversed space. People saying that all of the wasted space was due to fs administration. I wanted to know the truth, and being the (famous, haha) author of ext3grep, I thought I'd just dive into ext4 and determine once and for all what this was about.