ExtJs 5.1.0 - Unrecognized class name / alias: widget.cartesian


I could solve it, my entry in app.json was wrong. If you want to use the cartesian as a xtype you have to use the new 'sencha-charts', 'ext-charts' was from the old ExtJs Version.

Additionally I set 'Ext.chart.Cartesian' as a direct require.

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Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Timon
    Timon almost 2 years

    I want to show a stacked area chart in a new window. The enviroment is the ExtJs Webdesktop. When I create the window through: Ext.create('Desktop.displayPresences.view.displayPresencesChart').show()

    I always get these error messages:

    mypath/desktop/widget/cartesian.js?_dc=1423082524533 404 (Not Found)
    Error: [Ext.create] Unrecognized class name / alias: widget.cartesian

    I researched a lot but couldn't solve the problem yet. What I've done:

    Added this to app.json

    "requires": [

    Through sencha cmd I tried these commands

    sencha app build
    sencha app refresh
    sencha app watch

    In the google develeopers tools in the sources tab I can see that the necessary file 'Ext.chart.series.Cartesian' is loaded. It is in the packages/ext-charts/src/chart/series folder.

    This is my code

    Ext.define('Desktop.displayPresences.view.displayPresencesChart', {
        extend: 'Ext.Window',
        requires: [
        xtype: 'area-stacked',
        width: 650,
        initComponent: function() {
            var me = this;
            this.myDataStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', {
                fields: ['month', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4' ],
                data: [
                    { month: 'Jan', data1: 20, data2: 37, data3: 35, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Feb', data1: 20, data2: 37, data3: 36, data4: 5 },
                    { month: 'Mar', data1: 19, data2: 36, data3: 37, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Apr', data1: 18, data2: 36, data3: 38, data4: 5 },
                    { month: 'May', data1: 18, data2: 35, data3: 39, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Jun', data1: 17, data2: 34, data3: 42, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Jul', data1: 16, data2: 34, data3: 43, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Aug', data1: 16, data2: 33, data3: 44, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Sep', data1: 16, data2: 32, data3: 44, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Oct', data1: 16, data2: 32, data3: 45, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Nov', data1: 15, data2: 31, data3: 46, data4: 4 },
                    { month: 'Dec', data1: 15, data2: 31, data3: 47, data4: 4 }
            me.items = [{
                xtype: 'cartesian',
                width: '100%',
                height: 500,
                legend: {
                    docked: 'bottom'
                store: this.myDataStore,
                insetPadding: 40,
                sprites: [{
                    type: 'text',
                    text: 'Area Charts - Stacked Area',
                    font: '22px Helvetica',
                    width: 100,
                    height: 30,
                    x: 40, // the sprite x position
                    y: 20  // the sprite y position
                }, {
                    type: 'text',
                    text: 'Data: Browser Stats 2012',
                    font: '10px Helvetica',
                    x: 12,
                    y: 430
                }, {
                    type: 'text',
                    text: 'Source: http://www.w3schools.com/',
                    font: '10px Helvetica',
                    x: 12,
                    y: 440
                axes: [{
                    type: 'numeric',
                    fields: 'data1',
                    position: 'left',
                    grid: true,
                    minimum: 0,
                    renderer: function (v) { return v.toFixed(v < 10 ? 1: 0) + '%'; }
                }, {
                    type: 'category',
                    fields: 'month',
                    position: 'bottom',
                    grid: true,
                    label: {
                        rotate: {
                            degrees: -45
                series: [{
                    type: 'area',
                    axis: 'left',
                    title: [ 'IE', 'Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Safari' ],
                    xField: 'month',
                    yField: [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4' ],
                    style: {
                        opacity: 0.80
                    highlight: {
                        fillStyle: '#000',
                        lineWidth: 2,
                        strokeStyle: '#fff'
                    tooltip: {
                        trackMouse: true,
                        style: 'background: #fff',
                        renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
                            var browser = item.series.getTitle()[Ext.Array.indexOf(item.series.getYField(), item.field)];
                            this.setHtml(browser + ' for ' + storeItem.get('month') + ': ' + storeItem.get(item.field) + '%');

    I don't know why the xtype: 'cartesian' is searching at this location (mypath/desktop/widget/cartesian.js)?

    Normally you need for an xtype an alias, but when I check Ext.chart.series.Cartesian there is no alias definied? So I tried to define one by myself. But then I just got the message: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function.

    Any ideas how to fix this?

    This is my file structure in the developer tools:

    Best regards

  • Timon
    Timon over 9 years
    I also tried to load it explicit, still the same result. Normally I don't use wildcards but I wanted to be sure that everything is loaded. In the dev tools I see that the file is loaded but it's just directing to the wrong path.
  • Eluny
    Eluny about 4 years
    for ExtJS 6.2.0 - 'charts' like commented right above in app.json. Checked for sencha-charts - not working. But it's easy to choose, when you know where to look, thanks!
  • Mahi
    Mahi almost 4 years
    @Robert, getting same error for ExtReact 7. Can u help