ExtJs Store.save()?


Ext.data.Store.commitChanges() is a client-side-only method. It does not communicate with the server in any form. The method is used to reset the modification status of the store's records and persist their changes (on the client-side only).

Ext.data.Store.save() is the method that actually uses the configured connection to talk to your server-side application. To be able to provide more information you'd need to post some code snippets.

Author by


Software Developer - Dublin, Ireland.

Updated on September 20, 2020


  • shane87
    shane87 almost 4 years

    How do I handle the save() method of the data store on the back end.(my C# code)?
    Do I need any extra config settings for the store to enable the save() method? If anyone could just point me in the right direction that would be great?

        var writer = new Ext.data.JsonWriter({
        encode: true
    // create the Data Store
    var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
        root: 'Data.items',
        idProperty: 'Empid',
        writer: writer,
        fields: ['Empid', 'Firstname', 'Surname', 'Username'],
        proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
            url: AppRootPath + 'EmployeeDetails/GetSAASUsers',
            method: 'POST'
    });//new Ext.data.JsonStore

    Hod do i configure my stiore to support a save method which will update the records in the database?

  • shane87
    shane87 over 13 years
    Thanks, I have changed the question and added some code. How do I handle the save method on the server side? Do I need to specify something else in the store config for this?
  • subv3rsion
    subv3rsion over 13 years
    @Shane87. For the C# side. Are you using WCF services? MVC?
  • subv3rsion
    subv3rsion over 13 years
    @Shane87: Unfortunately I am more familiar with WCF and EXT JS. Could you post some code snippets you have from the server side? Like the EmployeeDetails Controller?
  • subv3rsion
    subv3rsion over 13 years
    @Shane87: Guessing MVC3? [link] (myxaab.wordpress.com/2011/02/20/…)
  • Gaëtan Frenoy
    Gaëtan Frenoy almost 11 years
    Note that Ext.data.Store.save() has been deprecated in ExtJS 4.x; one must use Ext.data.Store.sync() instead.