Extjs4 MVC, Ext.define() and Ext.create()


My 2c: I always define stuff, and then just create it ( Unless its a 2 liner component ). This means that I can always reuse a component elsewhere, without even having to think about whether I would want to.

Ext.define also creates an error at page load, instead of component init/construct (depending on how code is written ), which, for me at least, makes debugging easier.

Also, it seems Ext.define is actually faster, which is kind of a big deal. http://jsperf.com/extjs-create-vs-define-create

Ext.define also tends to simplify the architecture ( in that it forces you to think about what a component is going to be called, and that lends itself to a file name, for the autoloader ( which incidentally is ANOTHER reason to use Ext.define http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/#!/api/Ext.Loader)

Ext.define, with the requires keyword, also lets you play with creating custom builds of the sencha package through the sdk ( http://www.sencha.com/products/sdk-tools/ ) - I am somewhat unsure whether this is used in ExtJS 4 though, or only in touch.

Having sung its virtues, it is definitely trade-off between amount of files though, which is a complexity of its own.

Expert wanna be
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Expert wanna be

I want to be IT Expert!

Updated on August 10, 2022


  • Expert wanna be
    Expert wanna be almost 2 years

    Firstly, My question is I want to know how different between Ext.Define() and Ext.Create(), and I want to know how to use them in right way.

    I reviewed my codes and many Extjs4 MVC tutorials,

    and I found many many Ext.define() methods in Extjs4 MVC project.

    I understand Ext.define() method create an object (CLASS).

    And if I need a panel just for instance, I will not make any inheritance of the panel, also I will not reuse the panel after initialized.

    Then, I think I need to use Ext.create() instead of Ext.define().

    So, I try to change my code @.@;

    In view, it was

        extend : 'Ext.grid.panel',
        alias : 'widget.MyGrid',
        initComponent : function(){
            this.columns : [{ header: 'column' }];
            this.store : Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {})

    and I change to,

    var myGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
        layout: 'fit',
        border: false,
        columns: [{ header: 'column' }],
        store: Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {})

    After change the code, I got a problem that I can not retrieve(grep) the panel in Controller,

    before I did this way before,

    refs: [
                ref: 'myGrid',
                selector: '',
                xtype: 'MyGrid', //view - alias
                autoCreate: true

    but after change, I don't know how to retrieve that panel in controller.

    and while searching web to find out how to grep it, I just wonder 'Is it right how I understand about Ext.define() and Ext.create()? and why many people are using Ext.define() method even they not use again and not for inheritance?'

    please advice me to understand fundamentals of Extjs.
