Extracting string between two characters?


Solution 1

string input = @"""abc"" <[email protected]>; ""pqr"" <[email protected]>;";
var output = String.Join(";", Regex.Matches(input, @"\<(.+?)\>")
                                    .Select(m => m.Groups[1].Value));

Solution 2

Without regex, you can use this:

public static string GetStringBetweenCharacters(string input, char charFrom, char charTo)
        int posFrom = input.IndexOf(charFrom);
        if (posFrom != -1) //if found char
            int posTo = input.IndexOf(charTo, posFrom + 1);
            if (posTo != -1) //if found char
                return input.Substring(posFrom + 1, posTo - posFrom - 1);

        return string.Empty;

And then:

GetStringBetweenCharacters("\"abc\" <[email protected]>;", '<', '>')

you will get

[email protected]

Solution 3


string input = "\"abc\" <[email protected]>; \"pqr\" <[email protected]>;";
matchedValuesConcatenated = string.Join(";", 
                                Regex.Matches(input, @"(?<=<)([^>]+)(?=>)")
                                .Select(m => m.Value));

(?<=<) is a non capturing look behind so < is part of the search but not included in the output

The capturing group is anything not > one or more times

Can also use non capturing groups @"(?:<)([^>]+)(?:>)"

The answer from LB +1 is also correct. I just did not realize it was correct until I wrote an answer myself.

Solution 4

Use the String.IndexOf(char, int) method to search for < starting at a given index in the string (e.g. the last index that you found a > character at, i.e. at the end of the previous e-mail address - or 0 when looking for the first address).

Write a loop that repeats for as long as you find another < character, and everytime you find a < character, look for the next > character. Use the String.Substring(int, int) method to extract the e-mail address whose start and end position is then known to you.

Vishwanath Dalvi
Author by

Vishwanath Dalvi

SOreadytohelp about me box is kept "", intentionally.

Updated on July 09, 2022
