Facebook permission dialog (JavaScript sdk)


The reason you are not seeing it is because the application process has become a two step process.

  1. Being that the person accepts to login into your application.
  2. Being the person accept your extended permission which is where the callback url comes into play.

Documentation can be found here.

So the reason your callback isn't being called is because the two step process. I would suggest making the response attached to second page that is called.

I am not sure how the JS SDK works but it is how I managed to do it.


Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • user1006567
    user1006567 almost 2 years

    I am using OAuth Dialog for Facebook permission to access a users' email, birthday and other details but when I run this app URL that is https://apps.facebook.com/projectatestapp/ (while being logged into Facebook) I see this login to app window which says:

    You are logging into testapp as Nina Sewart. Logging in will not add this app's activity to Facebook.

    With log in and cancel button instead of Permission window with Allow and Don't Allow button

    here is my code

    <html xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">
        <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>
        <div id="fb-root"></div>
                appId: '[My app id]', 
                xfbml: true, 
                cookie: true,
                oauth: true
                scope: 'email,user_birthday',
        <a href="https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/?scope=email,
            response_type=token" target="_top">test</a>

    Please tell me whats wrong in it?

  • user1006567
    user1006567 over 12 years
    by using response.authResponse.accessToken; the allow/dont allow window is no more.. all i see is : when the i hit the url and i see a new window saying Nida testapp needs: Your e-mail address ([email protected]) Your birthday Logging in will not add this app's activity to Facebook. along with login and cancel button... is there a possibility that Facebook has changed the allow and dont allow window to this ?
  • MLKiiwy
    MLKiiwy over 12 years