Failed to resolve:


Solution 1

Add maven { url "" } to your root level build.gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

Solution 2

Play services and Firebase dependencies are now available via with the release of version 11.2.0 of Google Play services and Firebase.

You can find the Google Play Services official doc here and the firebase doc here..

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

If you are using the android gradle plugin 3.x you can also use:

allprojects {
    repositories {

Solution 3

I just fixed same error by adding firebase-core dependency.

implementation ''

Solution 4

With the 16.0.0 release of firebase I had to

  • set most my google play services libraries to 15.0.0 analytics and tagmanager needed to be 16.0.0
  • set my support library versions to 27.1.1
  • firebase-core to 16.0.0

Built against sdk 27

Extra Changes:

I also had to update my analytics to 16.0.0

  • implementation ""

Part of the independent versions thing Android did recently I am guessing. May need to try going up or down a version on the google play services and firebase libraries

Solution 5

The best Method to fix this problem is not using the manual method of linking firebase to your app.

I have tried adding latest firebase repo by referring to this Link .

It showed error " failed to resolve the dependencies firebase 11.2.0"

FireBase recommends adding firebase to your app with the help of FireBase Assistant for Android Studio Version 2.2 and Higher. Manually adding the latest library to build-gradle(module) result in an error as above.

Firebase assistant added lower versions 10.0.1 automatically to dependencies on the module gradle-build which is compatible and could be resolved.

Using Firebase assistant is so easy and 2 step process. For reference, You can use the "Use the Firebase Assistant" section on the same link mentioned above.

It Really worked Out with my Android Studio 2.3.3. And also make sure Your Google Repository is up to date

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • rigotre
    rigotre almost 2 years

    I'm getting multiple "Failed to Resolve" issues when syncing my project. They are all firebase and play-services related. I made sure they are all the same (11.2.0). I've also checked and the latest version for both is 11.2.0. Also, all the other answers to similar questions involve updating Google play services and repository in the SDK Manager but mine is already up to date.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Any idea why I can't sync my project?

    EDIT - Current working solution

    // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
    buildscript {
        repositories {
        dependencies {
            classpath ''
            classpath ''
            classpath ''
            // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
            // in the individual module build.gradle files
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" } 
    task clean(type: Delete) {
        delete rootProject.buildDir
  • Bob Snyder
    Bob Snyder almost 7 years
    Details in the AS documentation
  • rigotre
    rigotre almost 7 years
    @BobSnyder Just tried this. Added the maven repo and then changed my dependencies back to 11.2.0 and I got the same issues.
  • rigotre
    rigotre almost 7 years
    Just tried this with no luck. I checked my gradle version and it is 2.3.3. I also attempted simply adding {url '' } which didn't work either.
  • Bob Snyder
    Bob Snyder almost 7 years
    google() doesn't work for me or the OP--see comments on question. We are both using Any idea what's wrong?
  • rigotre
    rigotre almost 7 years
    Update - turns out I was putting the google() repository in the wrong section. However, I had to use maven { url "" } because google() isn't working for me or Bob.
  • Gabriele Mariotti
    Gabriele Mariotti almost 7 years
    @BobSnyder I've just updated the answer. google() repo seems work only with android gradle plugin 3.x
  • Bob Snyder
    Bob Snyder almost 7 years
    For anyone interesting in using version 3.0.0 of the Android Plugin for Gradle, here are the migration instructions.
  • Hanuman
    Hanuman almost 7 years
    It worked but you need to apply in project level build gradle file
  • Oblivionkey3
    Oblivionkey3 over 6 years
    Make sure maven {...} is added under allprojects/repositories, that got me
  • marcusshep
    marcusshep over 5 years
    I had not put in the :16.0.1
  • Kumar Raj
    Kumar Raj over 5 years
    Thanks, you saved my days. For Quickblox user while running their sample project from git , We need to add google() in project level graddle as it`s version is 3.x .
  • Stylishcoder
    Stylishcoder over 5 years
    While this solves to the problem I was having, I'm curious as to why it just came out of know where. I was using firebase fine in my project. Then I think the only thing I did was deleted a 3rd party library then syncing failed with this error
  • Parth Bhanderi
    Parth Bhanderi almost 5 years
    you know what is the issue with : '' it's not working when i'm using with my flutter app.