Failure retrieving contents of directory


The FTP protocol requires one of the two computers involved in the transfer to open a data connection on a second port in order to complete the transfer. In 'Active' mode, the client opens a port and the server connects back to the client. In 'Passive' mode, the server opens a port and the client connects to the server a second time.

Problems with this are usually caused by port-blocking firewalls.

In the old days - FTP was invented in the 1980s - port-blocking firewalls were uncommon. In the 90's and 00's, however, it became common for home, business and other end-users to be behind a port-blocking firewall such as a home router, and Active mode would often fail.

These days, however, it is very common for the server itself to be behind a port-blocking firewall for security reasons. Home and business users now have the ability to dynamically open ports using features such as UPNP. So the situation is reversed: Active mode will often work, and Passive mode will often fail.

If both the server and client are behind a firewall, and no feature such as UPNP is available, you will not be able to transfer anything with FTP. If only the control port (usually port 21) is open, you will be able to see directory listings, but not transfer any files.

If available, SSH or SCP are much more reliable protocols that are far more compatible with modern firewalling.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    Currently I have a couple of websites. My problem is that if I login on 1 specific domain with any of my programs (using notepadd++, FileZilla and Netbeans) the program stops at the content listing.

    I had it correctly running, (I'm working on a project on this domain for more than a year now) and suddenly I broke it somehow.

    This only happens on 1 specific domain, all other domains (from other hosts) are working. My colleague (next to me with same ip address) is able to login on this domain.

    • Notepadd++ says: Failure retrieving contents of directory
    • Filezilla says: Failed to retrieve directory listing
    • Netbean popups: Upload files on save failed. (Because I have the setting upload on save enabled.)

    What I tried:

    • First I thought it's my firewall, I disabled firewall but no result. Also notice that all other domain are working.
    • Maby a blacklist with my ip address? No my colleague has the same ip address.

    Could anyone help me on this?

    Notepad++ Log

    [NppFTP] Everything initialized
    -> TYPE I  
    -> Quit  
    220 ProFTPD 1.3.3e Server ready.
    -> USER username
    331 Password required for domain
    -> PASS *HIDDEN*
    230 User username logged in
    -> TYPE A  
    200 Type set to A
    -> MODE S  
    200 Mode set to S
    -> STRU F  
    200 Structure set to F
    -> CWD /domains/ 
    250 CWD command successful
    -> CWD /domains/  
    250 CWD command successful
    -> PASV  
    227 Entering Passive Mode (194,247,31,xx,137,xx).
    -> LIST -al  
    Failure retrieving contents of directory /domains/

    Filezilla log

    Status: Verbinden met 194.247.xx.xx:21...
    Status: Verbinding aangemaakt, welkomstbericht afwachten...
    Antwoord:   220 ProFTPD 1.3.3e Server ready.
    Commando:   USER username
    Antwoord:   331 Password required for username
    Commando:   PASS ********
    Antwoord:   230 User username logged in
    Commando:   SYST
    Antwoord:   215 UNIX Type: L8
    Commando:   FEAT
    Antwoord:   211-Features:
    Antwoord:    MDTM
    Antwoord:    MFMT
    Antwoord:    LANG en-US;ja-JP;zh-TW;it-IT;fr-FR;zh-CN;ru-RU;bg-BG;ko-KR
    Antwoord:    TVFS
    Antwoord:    UTF8
    Antwoord:    AUTH TLS
    Antwoord:    MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;
    Antwoord:    MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
    Antwoord:    PBSZ
    Antwoord:    PROT
    Antwoord:    REST STREAM
    Antwoord:    SIZE
    Antwoord:   211 End
    Commando:   OPTS UTF8 ON
    Antwoord:   200 UTF8 set to on
    Status: Verbonden
    Status: Mappenlijst ophalen...
    Commando:   PWD
    Antwoord:   257 "/" is the current directory
    Commando:   TYPE I
    Antwoord:   200 Type set to I
    Commando:   PASV
    Antwoord:   227 Entering Passive Mode (194,247,31,xx,xxx,xx).
    Commando:   MLSD
    Fout:   Verbinding verloren
    Fout:   Ontvangen van mappenlijst is mislukt

    Sorry that it's dutch.

    Next edit

    I changed the transfer connection mode from passive to active and got it working. Does anyone know why my computer wants it to be active if I used passive for more then a year?

    So weird that only my computer needs this setting after this while of use the other setting...

    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      Have you more error from the host, in log file?
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      I cannot login (tried the direct admin)
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      Even in SSH or you didn't have a ssh acces?
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      You can't login using the same username/password on another machine? The "Failure retrieving contents of directory" is simply the consequence of not being able to login?!
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      @w3d I can login. See edit*
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      Are you logging in as the same user as your colleague?
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      @w3d Yes I use the same login info. This was working for more than a year and suddenly I didnt get the file listing. I never changed the login info.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      "Verbinding verloren" (connection lost)?
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      Yes :) Verbinding verloren = connection lost Ontvangen van mappenlijst is mislukt = Failure retrieving file list
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      I see you've got it working by changing from passive to active connection. Ordinarily I would have said this was a local firewall issue apart from the fact that active connections are usually more problematic with local firewalls because they require an inbound connection?! Puzzling.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 12 years
      Well, I deleted my virus scan (AVG) and disable firewall in windows. Still not working on passive.